"My cat." She croaked out. "My cat." Her voice cracked this time, her eyes shone with unshed tears.

Steve was swerving the girl towards the staircase, despite her stubborn stance. She tried her best to resist, but Steve was too strong and insistent.

"She answers to Mitsy." She was saying, still looking at Bucky. "Please."

Bucky heart squeezed a little at the desperation in her voice, and he knew he couldn't refuse if he tried. He turned to Steve. Checking the air supply he had left, he spoke again.

"Come get me if I'm not out in fifteen minutes." He said. Steve stared at him.

"Buck, no." He said. "Look at that! It's too dangerous. You can't!"

Bucky shook his head, sighing. "Look at her." He countered, gesturing at the girl still looking at the apartment door, panicked and fidgeting on her feet. "I don't doubt that she'll walk in there herself to get the cat."

Steve grumbled and protested, but Bucky didn't answer him, turning back to the apartment.


The look on Steve's face when Bucky walked out of the building and onto the sidewalk filled Bucky with a newfound relief. He knew it was over, Steve's expression sealed it, as did the squirming animal in his grip. There was a squeal and the cat was taken from his arms by the same girl he had seen less than ten minutes ago. He immediately pulled his face mask off, breathing in great gulps of air. He shook his head at the offered oxygen mask.

"I'm fine." He pulled away a tendril of hair attached to his sweaty face, having come free from his bun. He pulled off the rubber gloves as well, letting a paramedic pull the bulky coat off him to reveal his black shirt under it and look him over. His gaze traveled up to the window, still seeing smoke and the orange glow of fire.

"Don't worry about that." Steve's voice cut through the various noises surrounding them. Bucky looked at him, his own mask off his face to properly reveal the blue of his eyes. "Sam says they've got it under control. Fifteen more minutes max."

Bucky nodded and moved away from the paramedic, who protested only slightly when Bucky waved his hand to indicate he was fine. He escaped towards where an ambulance stood, it's back doors open. The girl he had rescued sat on the edge, the cat on her lap. There was an oxygen tank and mask next to her, which she had clearly abandoned. Her bare feet swung, and Bucky noticed the bandage on her ankle. That's why she hadn't been able to leave, with the twisted ankle and the scalding hot door knob, she had helplessly slumped right next to the door. She looked up when he stopped before her, smiling at him.

"You good?" He asked, feeling awkward. Sure, he'd fought many fires at this point, but never had he tried conversing with the people he saved. Sometimes, they'd approach him but never the other way around. Bucky tried to tell himself it wasn't because he wanted to see the girl again. He was just making sure she was okay, no big deal.

She smiled in a way that was extremely contagious, and Bucky just couldn't help but return it. He marveled at the fact that her smile could be so bright despite the fact that nearly everything she owned had just been burned to the crisp except the clothes on her back.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm better." She patted the metal floor of the ambulance next to her and Bucky sat down after slight hesitation. He eyed the band aid just over her cheekbone, her face still a little black here and there with soot. Her hair was disheveled and Bucky just then noticed her pajamas. Despite all that, she still managed to make him all warm on the inside.

Or maybe it was just the fire making him feel that way.

The silence was surprisingly not awkward, and Bucky looked up at the people still mulling about, helping more residents evacuate the apartment. The medics still stood on alert, making sure to check everyone who left the building. Bucky was hyper aware of the presence next to him.

"Thank you." She spoke up, turning to him. Her eyes were warm, slightly tired. "You went in there for her. I honestly wasn't expecting you to listen to me. But you did. So, yeah... thanks."

Bucky chuckled at the slightly awkward ending and shrugged.

"You asked like she meant a whole lot. I saw how distraught you were."

The girl laughed, looking down at the cat and smiling. She was pliant in her lap, obviously reeling from the trauma of what just happened, still timid with fear. "Yeah." Her voice was low. "She's all I have."

A heavy air seemed to settle over them as they both looked at the cat. A little far off, the fire seemed to making much less noise, and he knew it was finally controllable. He pondered the words she had just spoken, taking in the sudden change in her demeanor. She sat hunched, as if wanting to shrink. There was an odd sadness under the thin mask, seeping through the cracks in her shell. Bucky took a deep breath.

"She doesn't have to be." He said, voice just as low. The girl looked up and smiled at him, this time smaller and sadder, but with a hint of optimism, catching on to what he meant. He smiled back and held his hand out. This time, it wasn't rubber clad.

"Bucky Barnes." He said. The girl giggled, the soft skin of her palm meeting his, hands moving up and down as they shook.

"Y/N Y/L/N."

Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now