Please Don't Leave Me

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 Summary: Where you both had a one night stand but avoid each other afterwards even though you're in love with each other. During one battle than you save him from something and get hurt badly, nearly dying. He stays with you till you wake up and then tells you properly that he loves you.

Word Count: 1,077

Warnings: Mentions of sex. Wee bit of angst.


Your eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep. You stretched a bit, straightening your legs. Your limbs felt sore and stiff with what felt like fatigue. Sunlight was filtering in from the window of your bedroom, making the sheets look whiter than they were and giving the room a mellow glow.

That's when the previous night washed over you in little flashbacks. Your nose picked up the smell of sweat and sex, the air was still heavy with it. Your skin still tingled with his touch, and your ears still rang with the sound of his breathy moans and grunts. You let out a breath and sat up, the sheet falling to reveal your naked form.

You couldn't believe it. A year of pining and yearning, and you had slept with Bucky Barnes. You stared at the empty bed next to you, placing a hand on the space to find it cold. He had left a while ago.

Your heart ached at the thought. This was all the confirmation you needed. Bucky wanted nothing to do with you. Last night had been a mistake for him, you were sure. And you were even more certain that he didn't want a repeat of that, ever again.

You wanted to feel happy. You wanted to replay everything that had happened the night before again and again, and smile to yourself as you looked forward to it happening again. But all you felt was a hollow, echoing emptiness. It was all gray.

You didn't think you could feel any crappier until you walked out of your room to find all your friends gathered in the living space. They were how they always were after one of Tony's parties, half dead and still a little drunk. It was moments like these that you were glad for the mutant blood in your veins.

Bucky didn't even look at you as the others mumbled their hellos. He stayed silent, eyes glancing at you briefly before returning to the view outside the window. Your heart lurched at his action. If you were even half as drunk as the rest of the gang, you would have doubted if last night even happened.

But you had been sober, and so had he.

Was it just the heat of the moment? Did he just need the comfort of a warm body for one night?

Was that all you had been?

It was clear what the answers to all these questions were.

"Okay, we're in." You kept your voice low as you slid into the room through the narrow crack in the door. You heard Sam and Bucky follow, but you didn't look behind you. You kept your eyes wide, trained to your front and ready to act at the slightest sign of danger.

Steve and Tony were mumbling something to each other in your earpiece, and you tuned them out for a second. Your eyes narrowed as a funny feeling ran down your spine.

"Something ain't right." Sam voiced your thoughts and you nodded.

"It's too quiet."

Bucky started moving again while you two stood still, searching for any movement, any squeak, any thud.

You followed his frame with your eyes as he walked further into the room, standing between two tables and turning to look at you.

"I don't see anything wrong."

It was just a glimpse, one blink of a red light, and your feet were moving, running towards Bucky. Your body collided with his, sending him stumbling backwards into an open closet. There was a click, and then a deafening noise, louder than you had ever heard. A wall of fire smacked into your side and you were sent flying, flying until your back collided with concrete and your body crumpled into a heap. Your ears rang, drowning out all other noises. Then, all was black.

It had been a week since the blast. A week since Y/N was in the hospital. The machines beeping and beeping, announcing that she was still alive. But her eyes remained closed, no matter how much Bucky tried to will them open. He sat by her side everyday, silently pleading her to wake up, to let him see her smile and laugh again.

This was all his fault. She had pushed him aside and taken the full brunt of the bomb. Her unique genetic makeup had saved her, but nobody knew when this coma would end. If it ever would.

Bucky was still reeling, still trying to grasp the idea of her readily giving her life up to save his. Ever since he had regained his memories, he had struggled to live with himself and all he had done. He had labeled himself unredeemable, unworthy, and he had tried to stay as far away from anyone he might hurt as possible.

Yet here she was. He made her care, and she almost lost her life.

Bucky's hand trembled as he held hers, placing his head on the edge of her bed. He had almost lost the most precious thing to him. She was floating on the verge of life and death. He might lose her and she would never know how much she meant to him.

She would never know how utterly in love with her he was.

"Please wake up." Bucky felt his voice crack. "I can't do this without you. I can't live without you. I love you too much. Please, please don't leave me."

He shouldn't have been disappointed when his words met silence, but he was. He sighed and pressed his head further into the mattress, wishing he could disappear completely.

He felt his hand being squeezed.

He whipped his head up with such force, he nearly had a whiplash. But he didn't care, because there she was. Tearful eyes staring into his, hand squeezing his repeatedly.

Bucky let out a choked noise and pushed himself closer to the bed, his face inches from hers.

"I love you, too." Her voice was hoarse, probably from lack of use, but it made no difference. She meant it. He could tell she meant it.

Bucky didn't think twice when he pressed his lips gently to hers, feeling his own tears come. She kissed his back, albeit weekly. It was chaste and pure and sweet, the exact opposite of their one night a few weeks ago. But it was perfect, and he wouldn't have had it any other way.

He wouldn't have her any other way.

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