
Tommy's POV

RBs? Matter and Form? Rare Types? F-Fight..?

I looked at Hayden, hoping he'd help me understand.  All I got was a blank glare. I could hear thousands of pens scribbling down notes and such. Hear people whispering. Somehow I could make out the broken laughter and giggles of Rae. I looked at Hayden again but he was in a strange position. No, position wasn't the right word. What was the right word?
That's the word. But stances are for fighting.
Is Hayden seriously going to fight me?

"Oh, Tommy, by the way; since I can control the way Hayden thinks I controlled his knowledge; and he knows how to use this skills and "abilities", but you don't. Good luck, little RB!"

I replayed what I heard on the intercom.
He IS going to fight me. No, not him, his lifeless puppet body is. I heard him call us Reality Benders earlier; what could that be though? This doesn't make sense..
Before I could ponder anymore, I felt a cold brush if wind fly past me, before I felt a sharp and violent excruciatingly painful feeling rush through my lower intestine. I looked down and saw a spike made from the same material as the floor stabbed through my body.
I'm gonna die
Laughter from the people in masks.
It's over
"He can't unleash his power, how weak!"
"Stupid,useless,idiotic, little squirt."
I lost
"Does he even know who he is?"
Do I..? Aren't I the boyfriend of the guy who just stabbed me? No that's not it
"What a foolish bag of flesh."
Shut up
Stop it
"Unbelievably useless."
I'll make you..
"Just sad."
Yes, I'll do it, I'll make you all-
"Piece Of crap."
"SHUT UP YOU FREAKS!" I screamed. I felt a sensation of burning, my skin was melting and moving, bones breaking, shape shifting.
I felt myself let out a low growl that melted into a sharp angry huff. I felt taller, different, not human.
"Did he just morph into a Horgus?!"
"I've never seen such power that such an early state of power!"
"He's not like the other Benders of Form I've seen!"
I could hear them scribbling notes rapidly and whispering.
I felt angry now for some reason. Angry that I was stabbed. Angry that I was here. Angry I was who I was. This is horrible.
I need to let this rage out.. much attack.. must destroy.. must l.. WIN
I charged at Hayden's wavering figure, focusing all my strength into my fists, or whatever they were.

Thanks for reading!


Type Of Creature: Rage Warrior
Level Of Power: 36(/50)
Appearance: A tall tender figure with large ram like horns on its head. Figure is shaped human like but covered in scales of Ieonite, hidden by thin layer of fur. Has retractable claws, no nose, no eyes, large thin mouth, small pointed ears, no hair on head, very pale rough skin. 
Weakness:Calming Charms, recent memories of pain
Concentration Level Required:7(/10)

Appearance: Silvery, shiny, smooth
Extra: Is actually sharper than knife tips on one side, jagged and rough
Hardness:54(/50) one of the 7 hardest materials of the multi-realities

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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