4 (Edited)

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Hayden was caught off guard when the smol bean finally broke under all the pressure Hayden was putting him under. Hayden was hoping he'd get the strength to make a move but Tommy just gave him the power he needed for so long.
Hayden's P.o.v
I stood there frozen for a moment as Tommy had his arm wrapped around my neck and I had him pinned against the wall. This was what I wanted, so why was I suddenly so stiff? Out of no where, the hairs on my neck and arm stood on end, along with Tommy's, and lighting struck the school hard! The bang scared the smol out of Tommy and he jumped, and stared to cling into me. The moment he did, I felt like Tommy was all that mattered. Like he was my child or.. he was just mine. All mine. I wanted to protect him. The roof started to come crashing down , and I wrapped Tommy in my arms and sat in the corner of the cafeteria. I closed my eyes and snapped awake in my room. I scanned my surroundings and Tommy was gone. I ran downstairs and my mother was there. She told me that I was sleeping for a while and was freaking out, like I was having a nightmare. I checked the calendar and it was the same day my "dream" had taken place. I shook my head and got ready for school.

Tommy's P.o.v
I woke up screaming. I looked around to see I was safe, but not on Hayden's arms. I rushed downstairs and my father looked up from his coffee.
"Hey son! Awake from your nightmare I see. Get ready for school" he beamed.
I had no clue what the actual fridge was going on. But I just got ready for school, and headed for the field next to it. I liked to come here in the mornings, sometimes during lunch, definitely after school. The school had no sports teams so no one came there. And since no one really trampled the soft grass, flowers bloomed all over. I sat in the soft area and started picking flowers, carefully weaving the most beautiful into my silky hair. It was perfect, till I heard him. I looked over and saw Hayden making his way across the field to me, smirking. I was about to make a run for it when he sprinted over and lunged, pinning me down to the soft ground.
" w-what do you want f-from me!" I squeaked
As his smile grew wider I was about to scream, when he cut me off my smashing his lips roughly into mine. I went stiff for a moment. I was too weak to fight back and I sort of.. liked it. I kissed back weakly and after a few more seconds Hayden pulled away and stood up, letting go of me.
"W-w-what was that f-for...?" I asked
"Just curious what would happen if I tried it." Hayden shrugged. His smirk returned again as he winked at me, and walked to school.

Hayden's p.o.v
What the farquad did I just do?! One minute I'm going to school and spotting Tommy, next minute I'm sexually assaulting him with my dumb lips!What if he hates me now,then what! He's such a sweet and kind little puff ball and I'm a rabid hungry wolf trying to devour the poor bunny! I should just stay away from him and die in a hole *cries a river*
I walked to school with my head a little lower than normal. I went to my locker and looked in it for about ten minutes until the bunny himself stepped through the doors of the school. I looked up from my locker and was about to apologize when a certain look in Tommy's eye stopped me. He had the look of desire and fierceness in his gorgeous eyes. He grinned and winked at me as he passed me and went into his class. That's when I knew, Tommy was ready to play my game. I've never seen it myself but people say Tommy has a certain side to him called the alpha male. And it's a lot different than his cute bunny sweet self. Something told me I just triggered the wolf to come out and play. I was ready for it.

I only made minor edits to this chapter at the beginning so it's probably still messed up. But still, enjoy. Also, if you don't get what happened with the dreams, just read the next chapters and if you still don't just comment and I'll explain.

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