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Narrators pov

Tommy and Hayden woke up to the alarm clock. Hayden quickly smacked it off and Tommy rolled over and drifted to sleep again. Hayden thought of how beautiful he was when he slept. Hayden got dressed quietly and shook Tommy awake, then left the house to eat at his home. He started to cook what looked like an entire meal that was shrunk and made beautiful. He took the eggs, bacon, toast, butter, syrup, and sausage and with food coloring and knives he had created two perfectly crafted meals. One was sweet Tommy in the flowers and the other was a flower with the same gorgeous blue that Tommy's eyes were. He ate the second and took the flowers in a container and walked to Tommy's house. "Tommy I brought you a present!~" Hayden called as he rang the doorbell. "Tommy?" No answer. Assuming he left to school already, Hayden started walking to the school. I opened the gates and walked through the parking lot. Hayden noticed Tommy's back by the front of the school. He smiled and started walking quickly to him, in joy, right before a boy with a gorgeous body and structure , flowing hair, and bright green eyes revealed himself to be kissing Tommy. Hayden stopped in his tracks, and as he watched in horror, he dropped the box. His perfect picture was splattered, and Hayden's heart was crushed in a certain area. He shoved his sadness away and refilled the empty space with rage. He stormed over and yelled, " WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON HERE?!" The Boy stopped kissing Tommy and put his arm around Tommy's waist, keeping him at his side. Tommy squirmed uncomfortably. " I'm sorry, is this your boy?" Said the kid. His voice almost made Hayden shiver, half because he could see Tommy leaving him for it, and half because he himself found it a blessing to the soul to hear. Hayden stammered. They technically weren't together, but the night before counted for something, right..? Hayden looked at Tommy for a second to see him just as confused. " I see. Don't mind me, I was just trying him out." The boy suddenly pulled Tommy closed and leaned dangerously close to his face," His eyes were just so seductively beautiful, the way it complimented his silky black hair made me want a taste of the cutie." Tommy froze. The only one who ever spoke to him like that before was Hayden. " Well. You've had a 'taste' so unhand my- " Hayden paused. " Let go of Tommy." " Ooo, so harsh and controlling! I like that about a man. Who might you be?" Said the boy, casually tossing Tommy aside. Before Hayden could tell him not to toss Tommy around he had practically teleported next to Hayden, and whispered," I'll play with you later." He backed away and said, " I am Rae. But I'm about to be late, and so are you. I'll see you later, Hayden." "How did—?!" Hayden was going to ask how the basted knew his name when his pocket felt light. He flipped them inside out to see Rae pickpocketed him."Be careful," He said dropping Hayden's items on the parking lot ground, " Or I'll steal more than just your ID and wallet McGreevy." "It's McGreev.." Hayden muttered. Tommy sat up. After being thrown aside like yesterday's garbage by Rae, he tripped over the curb and fell on his face. Hayden looked over that him. He felt utterly played. Not only had Rae made him look like a fool by making him question his relationship status, but he had played with his emotions by crushing his heart by kissing Tommy then setting his heart on fire by tossing him aside to ruin him. He even stole from his pockets without being noticed, and insulted him where it hurt his honor most by saying his name wrong! This guy was more than a bad boy, more than seductive, more hab desirable, more than a bitch, he was all of the above and more. He seemed to know exactly how to toy with Hayden. It was enough to make him explode with rage. But instead, he helped Tommy up, and marched into the school with a cranky attitude, and an unstably ticked off mind.

On the other side of the school...

"Yeah boss, I found the RB we're looking for, but I found another one who seems connected to him. I believe his name is Hayden McGreev, I picked him and his ID said that. The two obviously don't know what they are yet. I know I was sent to collect RB #244, aka Tommy WillowOak, but I think I should have some fun with head two." Rae whispered into his headset. "Agent, you talk too much. I do admit, you work harder than most other agents, and #224 and #368 look promising, but if I let you have fun, you better bring me Tommy and Hayden, okay?" The other voice murmured. " Oooo, understood dear boss. I'm ever so joyous you're letting me explore these two and even allowing me to break their minds into two..!" "Yes yes, do your thing agent Turoski.. just be done by the eight moon down of September." " Yes sir!~" Squealed Rae, hanging up. "Oh dear, if only those two love birds knew the chaos I'm about to endure on them." Rae told himself as a psychotic grin stretched cross his face. "Hah.. haha.. hahaha... hahHahHahA...!" He laughed.

Later that day..

Tommy and Hayden were walking home in hopes that Rae wouldn't ruin the fun, but of course, he waltzed his way over and stopped us so he could speak. "Oh boys, how I wish I could play with you two! I'd love to taste your lips again TomTom! And I'd love to see how feisty you are Hayds," Rae said dramatically, as he put his hand over his forehead. " but alas! I can not, as my significant other would be upset... how sad!" He cried. Tommy made a disgusted noise and Hayden snorted in laughter at the fact Rae was talking to them. " But fear not, we'll be together soon.." as soon as he said that, the two stopped and looked up, but Rae was gone.

The next day

Tommy and Hayden walked to school, with no sign of Rae at all. Nothing involving him came up. Just as the bell rang they were getting a little less tense, when the boy jumped from behind them and embraced them tightly. " Oh my dear boys! I have news! I dumped why horrid lover!" Just before Hayden could laugh and Tommy could be confused, Rae grinned, he hadn't been facing them, so to look at them, he simply threw his head backwards and looked at them upside down. His horrifying smirk with his piercing eyes and his head in such a position made them gag from fear. "Which means.. I can play with you all I want now..."

Let the games begin...

RBs: Tommy And Haydenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن