Chapter 1: Meeting

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The House Louise was sent to work was a massive place and she could barely believe that One man could actually live in such a place. She brushed a lock of her brown hair from her face and moved it behind her ear. The manor was three levels with each level holding three windows. Along the Dark, brown colored walls were vines that laid curled around the columns and windows of the home. They lay claim to everything except the deep red double doors of the manor entrance whose own designed sported a huge grotesque knocker on the middle of each door.

When she had arrived in London, It had been overwhelming but looking upon this house brought out a recurring feeling to Louise. That feeling was fear. To her just standing here, Just existing in its presence made her heart beat in speeds in a way that left her breathless.

  Your just a bit scared from the ride here. 

She kept telling her self as she takes small steps along the path towards the servant entrance. From her small Town in Linslin in France to London, all she could hear from other travelers was the news of London's Serial Murder Jack the Ripper. She listened of the monstrous killings a series of a young woman along the lower east end and how the monster gutted them then perceived to write notes to the police. It was sickening and frightening but what made it worst was the man who was on the train. He had laughed at the others and stated that he was doing the work of God. That the women he had killed where harlots who needed to be passed god's judgment for the sinner like lives. Those words had turned her stomach. She had been lucky enough that a group of sailors had told the man to shove off. 

Louise continued down the path until she came to servant's door. The door was also red and surrounded by vines. The growths were long and thick decorated with pale white flowers and thick inch thorns. It would have been beautiful if she hadn't felt so unease. She raised a pale hand and knocked upon the wooden red door. 

As she waited, her unease grew. She had arrived in London in the Early evening but by the time she had gotten a carriage ride to the Manor, midnight had rolled in. The night was colder and the air had a deadly silent bite to it. She couldn't see a living thing for miles thanks to the heavy fog that had decided to roll in. This weather actually made her missed the warm nights back in her village and that was a shock in its own. Since most of those warm nights were next to bodies of her families cattle and horses. She raised her hand again and knocked wondering where could someone be. 

" What a pretty thing you are?"

Louise spun at the sound and turned to see the shape of a man within the deep stew of the fog. She barely makes out his form but even so, her heart quickened at the sound of his voice. It was thick and heavy to her ears. 

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" He asked again, the sound much closer than before. 

" I-I am here to work for the Master of this estate." She answered her voice shaking and low as she kept her eyes focused onto the shape of the man who was finally in front of her

She could see now that he wore an expensive coat and suit. But, When she looked at him to her surprise he didn't seem to fit the image. He so publically tried to wear. The man in front of her was no gentleman. The man in front was all terms different. His body was too large to fit in such clothes. Even now, she could how his muscular frame bulged and stretched the fabric of his coat and shirt straining the material. His skin was the color of honey as though he spent many days in the sun. He stopped just in front of her and Louise couldn't help but be breath taken. He was Beautiful. He reminded her of the Greek Statues she had seen in a picture book once. But, Unlike the Statues, there wasn't a boyish charm but masculine appeal. His nose wasn't small but Roman like with a slightly crooked look to it as though some had broken it once. His jaw was strong, not round and it dusted with growing facial hair. But of all his features Louise was captivated by his eyes.

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