Chapter 78. Shock and awe Part 3

Start from the beginning

The moon goddess chuckled each time Selene managed to attack her back and I shook my head at her. I then heard her suddenly say "I'm more powerful than you are Selene so attack me all you want but don't forget that I can get rid of you in just in a blink of an eye". "Then why don't you do it already!" I wanted to yell at the moon goddess and heard her then suddenly say through my mind link "Watch it Maynor or I'll bury next to Selene to make sure that she doesn't come back again". I quickly bowed my head to the moon goddess because I didn't want any trouble and she chuckled as response at me. I thought that the moon goddess had lost her mind and decided that it was best to concentrate on Micah and Knightly from then on.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw Selene suddenly conjure a huge spear and then throw it into Micah's direction while saying "I'll come back for my son even if you bury me a thousand times over Lunar". The moon goddess groaned when she heard what her sister had said and then quickly casted a spell to break the spear into pieces before it even could hit Micah. Selene burst out laughing when she saw the moon goddess so desperately protecting her son and she then yelled "It's painful when your own son is involved isn't it Lunar". The moon goddess just shook her head at her sister and then replied to her with "My son never even once complained about his pain or life to me Selene and he neither needed my protection so shut up before I destroy this world that your son is so desperately clinging onto".

Selene smirked at the moon goddess and I asked myself why the moon goddess hadn't gotten rid of her yet. I then caught her looking at Hades again and I couldn't figure out why she was so interested in him. The moon goddess then conjured a knife and flew in full speed towards Hades. I saw Selene looking in shock at her and I could sense that she was afraid to lose her husband. The moon goddess stabbed Hades the moment she reached him and Selene clutched her heart in pain. Everyone gasped when the moon goddess then tore open Hades chest with her bare hands.

Hades started screaming in pain and people looked away when blood started to ooze out of his chest. We could clearly see Hades beating heart and Lucifer then suddenly appeared next to his mother. I could sense that everyone was waiting to see what was going to happen next and I chuckled when Lucifer yelled "Don't just stand there like a statue mother do something before she kills dad". The moon goddess ignored Lucifer and his mother and I smiled when I saw her reach her hand into Lucifer's chest. It looked like she was looking for something and I couldn't wait to find out what it was. I then saw the moon goddess take something shiny out of Lucifer's chest and I instantly realized that it was a locket. I could sense that the locket was woven in spells and heard Hades then yell while healing again "Give it back Lunar!" 

The moon goddess looked at Hades like he was a piece a trash while Lucifer kept egging on his mother to help his father. Selene was looking intently at the locket and I could sense that it was something important. Selene then suddenly changed into her true form and I could see that she had gained dark power after mating with Hades. Her whole body was now covered in hot boiling lava and I could sense that she was out for revenge. The moon goddess was too busy examining the locket to notice what was going on and I was afraid of what might happen if Selene attacked her now.

Micah was still grieving so I knew that he wasn't in the state to help his mother and I didn't know if the moon goddess would appreciate it if we meddled with her fight. I held my breath when I saw Selene disappear in a portal and then appear just behind the moon goddess again. She was just about to yank the locket out of the moon goddess hands when her sister turned around to face her with a huge smile on her face. Selene tried to escape when she realized that the moon goddess had set her up but it was already too late.

The moon goddess grabbed Selene by her throat and then forced her to shift back again. She then uttered while looking straight into her eyes "I know how much you have suffered my dear sister so please forgive me when I do this". Hades then suddenly yelled "No Lunar don't" and tried to break free from the binding spells but Mike tightened his grip on them even more. The moon goddess then burst out laughing and asked Hades "Why are you being so difficult when you know full well that you all have to pay for your sins Hades?"

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now