Chapter 14. "An ally or an enemy"

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Micah's P.O.V

Aiden was smiling broadly at me but i in return just wanted to get out of the house to look for a job. And i could feel that Ignatius was getting more irritated by the minute because he wanted to see his father. I wanted to make sure that he didn't act out on his emotions in front of people so just smiled at Aiden then greeted him with "Good morning" because i wanted to leave the house as soon as possible.

Ruben smiled at me then said "I like you to meet my son Aiden Rivera, Micah. He's a well known lawyer in this town with his own firm and if you're ever in trouble than you can always ask him for help". I nodded with my head at Ruben then said "Thank you so much for your concern Ruben". I then looked at Aiden and said while reaching my hand out to him "I'm Micah Lockwood and these are my children Ezekiel and Ignatius".

Ezekiel clutched my shirt quickly when he heard me utter his name and Ignatius started rubbing his face on my shoulder. It was a clear sign that both pups were feeling uncomfortable by Aiden's presence. Ruben started chuckling when he noticed both pups behavior and said "I don't think that they like someone other than their own father or mother eyeing you Micah".

I just smiled at Ruben as a response and got startled when Aiden gripped my hand firmly. I could hear Ignatius growl inwardly the moment Aiden touched me and quickly said to him through our mind link to calm him down "Don't worry pup he doesn't mean any harm". Ezekiel was looking worried at me too and i wanted to stroke his head to tell him that everything was going to be alright but it seemed that Aiden didn't want to let go of my hand.

I looked questioningly at Aiden and i was just about to pull my hand out of his grip when he asked me "Don't you remember me Micah?" I shook my head at Aiden then replied to him with "I'm sorry mr Rivera but i don't remember the people i went to school with because i was often absent from school so please forgive me if i come off as someone selfish". Aiden burst out laughing when he heard my reply while still holding my hand and i quickly pulled my hand out of his grip.

Aiden then asked when he had calmed down "How can you forget the first person that ever confessed to you Micah?" My heart skipped a beat when i heard Aiden's question and the only thing that i could utter at that moment was "What?" Aiden nodded with his head at me then answered my question with "Yes, i confessed my love to you when we were in our last year of kinder garden Micah but you politely declined my feelings by saying that you were waiting for someone special".

"I still remember that day because it was the day our teacher told us the story about the beauty and the beast. And me being the romantic child i was thought that it would be a great idea to confess my love to the boy i had been eyeing for almost two years". Aiden chuckled when he was done telling his story and i smiled politely at him then said "We were just kids then mr Rivera and i doubt that most people even remember what they did when they were seven years old".

Aiden was just about to say something when Martha cut him off and said while chuckling "I thought that you were in a hurry Aiden. Why don't you come by later if you want to talk to him". Aiden smiled at his mother then replied to her with "Of course i'm in a hurry mom but i had to come and check out the new tenants, especially when dad was being so secretive about their identity. We have to be more careful now since the culprit that killed the Emerson's a week ago hasn't been caught yet".

 My ears perked up when i heard Aiden utter the last sentence and was just about to ask Aiden more about the killings when i heard Ruben say "You should be careful too Micah because the police think that the Emerson's were attacked by some kind of animal by the way their throat's were ripped out but the odd thing is that we don't have any wild animals around here".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now