Black Blood (Chapter 4)

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Harry studied the mirror intently before realsisng it was, in fact, a mirror. His Sunset coloured eye put the world outside to shame. His right eye, happened to be a sterling silver, matching the colour of glistening iron.
He noticed he was a lot shorter, much to his displeasure. He also had this feminine look to him; although he still had muscles. His black feathery hair moved slightly as the passing wind happened to bestow upon the thoroughly confused teen. Although that wasn't the thing that caught his shimmering eyes. No. It was the tender cat ears that formed upon his small head, twitching slightly as he moved to touch them. He saw something swaying inconspicuously (I think that's right?) behind him, before staring, mesmorised by the fluffy tail sprouting from his lower back.

A loud screech could be heard from the door frame, sounding horrific to Harry's new, sensitive ears. He turned, thoroughly annoyed at the shrieking woman, who happened to notice him looking at her with annoyance. He glared at her for a moment before coolly walking passed the confused hors-woman. He had his things safely tucked in his pocket before apparating to Diagon Alley, a place filled with wizards.

He noticed a few Hogwarts students staring at him intently before averting they gaze to the new broom, 'Knocker2002'
'What a stupid name' He thought, looking at the broom with disgust. He swiftly turned to Gringotts, nervousness wreaking it's way into Harry's mind.
'My ears! My tail! People are going to see! Umm..Think Harry! Oh!' He thought before imagining them gone. And with a satisfying pop, they disappeared.
"Wicked" He mumbled, before taking a deep breath and walking into the wizarding bank. Gringotts.

Harry walked up to the head Goblin, Griphook, before politely saying,
"H-hello Griphook," He mentally cursed himself for stuttering. Why was he stuttering?
"I-I was wondering if I c-could take an inheritance test?" He stammered. Griphook looked at the young boy, his face softening at the sight,
"Right away, Mr Potter." He spoke. Many audiable gasps could be heard throughout the chamber of working goblins, although none of then moved. Not even a look on surprise on their face. The witches and wizards had gasped at Harry's new appearance, making Harry want to sink into the floor, away from their inescapable gaze.

Once in Griphooks office, the real trouble began. The shy boy was trembling, much to his dismay. The silence was an awkward one, both just sitting on opposite sides of a wooden desk. Until the goblin spoke at last,
"Well then Mr. Potter, for your inheritance I need you to drop several drops of your blood onto the pape- Oh, don't worry Mr. Potter." He noticed Harry visibly shaking; he wasn't good at this sort of thing. Comforting people. Harry looked up at Griphook with his glistening eyes, before snatching the golden blade to cut his arm, letting the blood fall.
Harry watched in horror, as did Griphook. The blood trickled down Harry's bruised arm, the black blood.

Heyo my readers! I doubt there are any though :3 Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As you know I'll be updating randomly for now as I'm new sooo...Yeah! I'll see you guys next time!

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