GOING HIKING •elio perlman imagine•

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„Elio" I groaned sleepily.
„Get up!" He said, grabbed the blanked that covered me and then i heard him leave the room.
„Noo..." i mumbled and rolled around the bed because my blanket was somewhere on the floor. It was 6 am!Why the heck did i have to get up?

Shortly after I was grabbed. Elio grabbed my legs and dragged me out of bed. „Let me go!" I laughed quietly, hit his shoulder softly while leaning my head to it. Then I finally opened my eyes.

„Honey we wanted to go hiking, forgot?"

Why was he so much into hiking? Since when?
„Mhm" i groaned after, put my arms around his neck and closed my eyes again while he carried me into the bathroom.
I was actually surprised he could carry me for so long.

So I was up, super tired I was standing in the bathroom and was forced to get ready.

„Hurry!" He yelled while running downstairs. The old wooden stairs were creaking from his weight

Afterwards I took off my sweatshirt which i grabbed from the floor yesterday and i threw it into the laundry.
Then I brushed my hair and my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun because my hair would annoy my hiking anyway.

„Y/n HURRY UP!" I heard Elio yell again the second I already walked out of the bathroom and i was on my way downstairs.

„U look beautiful honey." He smiled and scanned my body.
Disinterested I nodded because I was just wearing some leggings and a oversized shirt. As well I was wearing a flannel around my hips.
On my head i had some sunglasses i might be needing.

„Let's go!" Elio then laughed happily, grabbed both of our backpacks and gave me mine.

We had packed our stuff before because we didnt want all that stress in the morning. And i gotta say, i was pretty happy about that.

After the one hour car ride to some forest he's been before, we finally arrived at a parking lot close to some woods.
Apparently a lot of hikers came here because there were a lot of cars already and it was only 7:30.

„U ready darling?" He asked smiling, turned off the engine and we got out of the car.

„Of course. That's beautiful Elio!"
I was fascinated by the scenery. I loved going to the woods. It calmed me, it was so comfortable here and it made me happy.

Elio felt the same because he suddenly grabbed my hips from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder.

„Then let's go."
He whispered and placed a soft kiss on my neck before letting go.

„Yay!" I yelped and immediately covered my mouth because some people already looked at me with weird expressions on their faces.

„Sorry." I started laughing, grabbed my backpack and we started our journey.

So we walked along the path that was clearly visible to help wanderers not to lose the road.
I needed that because I bet I wouldve gone lost without it. Then I wouldve started screaming and someone wouldve called the cops to save me... Not embarrassing or something, why would u think that..?

„El, I'm hungry. Can we maybe look for a place for a picnic?" I spoke after like 2 hours of hiking.
We had already taken a lot of polaroids on our way and we were singing some weird songs and also we were talking about squirrels. Thats us...yeah.

„Yeah sure. Follow me."

I did as he said and suddenly he started dragging me through the woods like crazy.
„Where are you taking me?"
I whined because he didnt stop.

„Trust me, you'll love it!" He gave back and kept walking.

„Elio, my legs... I cant walk anym..." i stopped when we passed the last leaves and were now standing on some stones.
„No way." I whispered.

„I know beautiful, its stunning." He smiled and let go off my hand.

We were standing at a lake with the most beautiful view i had ever seen. The lake seemed clear blue by the fact that the sun had just risen. It was absolutely beautiful.

„Elio!" I said again and stepped closer to him.

„I always wanted to do that!" He whispered, leaned his forehead against mine and licked his lower lip.
„What?" I asked confused and was staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

„Kissing u in this beautiful light, in front of this lake, being alone with u and feeling the moment."
I didnt answer, i just smiled and placed both of my hands on his chest.
„Your look so beautiful in the sunlight."
My smile grew wider and to be honest i was just waiting for our lips to touch.

„Just kiss me!" I then demanded smiling.
So he finally grabbed my face and placed his plump lips on mine.
I just smiled into the kiss and grabbed him closer.

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