BEST FRIENDS •elio perlman preference•

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••being best friends with Elio includes••

-late night meetings at the lake to go for a swim
-slight touching and him jumping on your back to push you underwater playfully
-hanging out with his parents and his best friends
-taking bike rides around the city and beautiful areas
-listening to music and dancing like crazy
-sleepovers at his' with his dad being concerned that you guys would be ‚too loud'
-which you always are since you keep talking and giggling all night
-loooots of cuddles and cheek kisses
-him giving you books to read
-you forcing him to go dancing with you since he claims to be „a goofy dancer"
-hes an amazing dancer tho
-and sometimes you guys would just sit in the attic, listen to music and just lay there not talking for hours
-he would play with your hair while telling you stories he made up
-you love when he just takes you into his arms for no reason
-it gives you comfort
-and he loves when you scratch his back and hum your favorite song meanwhile
-and he loves it when you say his name
-mostly because it reminds him of his ex saying it
-you are aware of what happened between them and you dont mind since it doesnt change him in any way
-sometimes he would even give you piggyback rides around the house or the yard and then drop you in the pool
-of course you'd need revenge for that and would chase him around until you could jump on his back to make him wet as well
-lot of giggles and fun
-and love
-you truly love each other
-because you're best friends.

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