nine: emotion

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The moment I turned down the hallway of my locker the next morning, Scott Masterson and Danny Somers, aka Taco and Crash, were leaning against my locker with low, glassy eyes. If the goofy look on their faces didn't give away the fact that they were high off their asses, the strong odor of marijuana that radiated off their bodies was enough.

"Wassup, Embs?" Crash greeted with a pearly white smile, before giving me a hug. I laughed before reciprocating, since we were never really that cool to begin with. I just knew he was very touchy, especially when smacked from hanging around him previously.

Crash was a very attractive light skinned dreadhead with freckles smattered across his nose and cheekbones and full, defined pink lips behind his beard that refused to go dark despite the copious amounts of weed he smoked. He was so cute, but I always knew he was off limits since he used to be close friends with Marcus before they fell off. At this point though, I didn't care as much ever since yesterday.

Taco on the other hand was a cute white boy that moved here from Philly two years ago. His messy black hair sat atop his head added to his ruggedness, the small silver hoop that peaked out his nose glinted in the fluorescent lights from the hallway, and I could see the five o'clock shadow of his beard. Out of the pair, I talked to Taco a lot more since we were often in the same classes and did a couple assignments together. He even had a nickname for me after I accidentally almost set myself on fire during sophomore year in Home Ec: Flame.

"Hey, y'all," I said, before dapping up Taco. "This means y'all got my text right?"

He nodded and grinned. "Fuck yeah, I did. I won't pass up the chance to be a guinea pig, especially if that means tripping balls for free, Flame."

Elias suggested I try to be as transparent as possible with them so that they would be willing to help. I told them the basics about my plan, and Taco agreed to talk about it this morning and convince Crash as well.

I sighed with relief, before making a move to unlock my locker. "Aight, bet. Imma start texting y'all off my trap though, because I'm not getting caught."

Crash laughed. "Don't worry ya pretty head, EG. We'll help you... on one condition."

I raised an eyebrow, confused but interested in what his proposition was going to be. "What?"

He smirked and walked up close to me, and instantly I knew something devilish was stirring in his head with the look he had in his eyes. "One condition: you and me, Friday night. Lemme take you out."

My jaw dropped, shock clear in my face. Honestly, I thought he would have the same understanding I did, that he was off limits to me and me to him.

Incidentally, Elias walked up behind the duo just as Taco let out a wolf whistle and yelled, "Crash, bro! No fucks given!"

Elias scrunched his eyebrows together before he shook up the two of them and nodded his head at me. "Hey. What's with all the yelling? Y'all said yes?"

"Oh shit bro, I ain't even know you was in on this jawn too," Taco said, nodding his head. "I mean, I figured since Flame's shitty at all things science."

"Fuck you, Scott," I emphasized his real name, which I knew he didn't like. Rarely anyone called him by his name except for teachers and adults. "You wasn't saying that when I got us a B+ on that Bio project last year."

"Aye, not my government," he said with a groan before shaking his head and letting out a laugh. "But don't leave my boy hanging. Our partnership is depending on you."

I glanced at Elias, who was giving me a confused look which I shrugged off. "Yes to your question, but I don't really have a choice, do I?"

Crash sent me a smile before licking his lips and looking me up and down. "I'll pick you up Friday night then. Text me and use ya actual phone, and not the trap, goofy. Kevin Gates two phones headass."

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