twenty: reconciliation

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"So where's Serena?" I asked Jasmine once I slammed my locker door shut. It was later in the day, after the last period bell and the hallway was crowded with other students buzzing as they eagerly left the school. I just left the detention hall, and Jaz was already by her locker. Wednesdays were always exciting since it was halfway through the week, and I shared the same sentiments as I waited for her to fix her high ponytail in the small mirror.

Jaz smoothed her flyaways and casted me a glance. "She might have left as soon as the bell rang. Something about her fake dad wanting her home right after school."

"Fake Dad" was the new name we created for Mr. Davenport, Serena's stepdad because he acted like her actual father. He dictated how long she could be out on weekends, what she could wear, and recently, what time she came home from school.

I made a face as I heard her words. "Oh nah, I'm gonna go over and see her on my way home. I'll see if I can sneak her out of Guantanamo Bay for a few minutes."

"Let me know how it goes, I have practice right now," she replied as she slung her gym bag over her shoulder.

I followed the crowd through the doors to the parking lot as we parted ways for the day. Usually I dropped Jasmine off at home but she was staying back today to play a few practice games with her basketball friends. Valencia was at choir practice, so I was leaving school alone today.

My phone buzzed and I glanced to see it was Taco, asking what the "cyph facts" were. I was in need of a good smoke session, so maybe I could drop by and see Serena before heading over to meet him.

"Ember." I looked up from my screen to see Temi leaning on his car that was parked next to mine. He must've got to school later than me because I remember that spot being empty in the morning. "I knew that was your car next to mine."

"Hey," I greeted with a smile as I dragged the 'y' in the word. "You going home early today?"

"Yeah, I needed a break for a day. My back is still sore from yesterday's practice," he complained as he held his lower back. "Swear I might have pulled something."

"Aw, poor little baby," I cooed before laughing when he rolled his eyes. "Is that why you didn't come out to Marcus' flex last night?"

"No, I didn't come out because who parties on a Tuesday night?" He asked as he shook his head. He dug in his bag for his keys unlock his car. "I told him to move it to Friday so I could pull up."

"Well, you missed out," I chided. My door made the familiar beep when I pressed a button on my keys. "Mia tried to fight me, that dumb bitch."

His eyes widened. "Oh shit. What's the cyph facts, I wanna hear about this over a blunt."

The irony. "Taco just asked me the same shit," I said, throwing my bag in the backseat. "Is he valid to smoke?"

"Yeah, send him my addy and we'll meet in an hour," he said before climbing into his car. "Let me know when you're on the way."

"I'm gonna go visit Serena first, then I'll see you." I pulled out of the parking lot to drive down the street.

Serena didn't live too far from me; she was a few minutes down Scarsdale Ave past Gino's Bakery towards the mansion area of the town. Back in middle school, we used to live right next door to each other and we used to hang out after school everyday. I missed the simpler times of our youth.

When I pulled up in front of the house, I noticed Serena's car along with another one in the driveway. Her mom's car wasn't present, so it was more than likely she wasn't home. I parked in front and walked up the path, and my eyebrow raised when I heard yelling through the open window.

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