Chapter 14: Sharing.

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Katy's POV

I take a deep breath as I enter our house.  Mom was already released at the hospital and now she's home.  There at her room Dad was taking care of her now.  She's so weak. 

it's 3:30pm in the afternoon.

I sat at the couch. I turn on the TV and watch Phineas & Ferb.  But I can't even put myself in it.  I was thinking.  Where can I start to find my daughter? Angela snap her finger infront of me.  I blink my eyes. I didn't notice that she sits beside me due my mind is on something.

"Hey!!  are you okay? " She asked.

"I was just thinking.  Ange, do you know who adopt my daughter? I don't want to ask mom about this but,  if you know would you tell it to me?" I asked.

"Ah..  uhmmm.... Can you ask mom about that.   I really don't know it yet. The only info I've got is she give it to our closest friend or relative but I don't have any idea about who is it.  " She explain. 

I shrugged.

"Okay... I'll do it when she's okay. "

I look back to watch at TV again.  I turned to face Angela.  Just to let her feel what I feel.

I let out a deep sigh. 

a knock from the door fill the house.

I eyed Angela to open the door.  But she just refused me. 

"Open the door Kate. " She ordered.

"No,  you open it.  " I insist. 

the person behind the door knocks again. 

"Oh c'mon Kate!!  Angela pushes me.

"Okay okay.. Fine. You're such a lazy butt. " I said playfully.

"Whatever.  I'm your older sister. you must obey me. " She chuckled.

I stand up and walk to the door as it knocks again.

"coming!!!  " I shouted and run to the front door. 

I open it and saw Jenna was standing in front of me holding a tray of food. 

"Hello Kate! "  Jenna greeted enthusiastically. 

"Hi Jenn. What's up?  oh by the way please come in.! " I said as I lead her to enter the house.

"I bring you this.  Lasagna. I hope you like it. " She said as we enter the living room.  Angela stands on her seat as she saw Jenna in surprise as Jenna handed me the tray quickly.

They bought scream like teenage girls and hugged each other and like jumping in excitement.  I rolled my eyes to them and laugh on their behavior. 

"What? ? We've just met for a long time!" Angela exclaim looking at me. 

"I know but look at you two. You act like teenagers.  You both 30'ish. " I said laughing. 

"Shut up.!  " Angela said.

Jenna was just laughing holding her stomach.  Angela elbowed her softly. 

"you two." Jenna's pointing at us back and forth. "Still the same.  Never changed. " She added.

I winked at Jenna.

"Before we start talking here let's eat before this food get cold. " I butt in. 

We both walk to the kitchen. I was the first in line as the two was following at me.  They were both giggling. 

As we enter the kitchen. I handed them both their plates and utensils. 

No Regrets. Just Love. (Katy Perry Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن