Chapter Three

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After all that, all of us in the same room went to our room. He had a slight upper hand rooming with the first HOH winner.

"You know, I'm suppose to get the HOH suite right?" Kayla said coming into the room last.

"Really?" Brandy said looking at her funny.

He nodded her head and laugh, "yea come look at it with me!"

All of is looked at each other and followed her across the hall to the HOH suite. A lot of the other house quests followed us. The girls did anyways.

Kayla and Zacky opened up the door and all of us were in amazement.

"It's a rockstar house! Fuck yea!!" Zacky yelled jumping on one of the beds.

Everyone kind of let their self into the room.

I was sitting on Kayla's bed with her and Brandy.

Syn and Johnny were on Zackys with him.

"Could we have some privacy?" Kayla asked everyone.

They all sighed and walked out, leaving the door opened.

"People can't shut a god damn door to save their lives." Syn said as he got up and went to shut the door, but that Courtney and Lizzy came in.

Syn just looked at Kayla, waiting for her to tell him what to do.

"I guess they can stay." She said looking at the ground.

Syn then shut the door, then jump on, us girls lap.

"Who are you planning to put up?" Lizzy asked us, no questions asked.

I looked at Kayla, then whispered something in Syns ear, since his head was closest.

"I like it." Syn said hugging my leg.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Kayla again, "You can out up to guys and Zacky can put two girls."

"Are we safe?" Courtney asked.

Brandy growled.

"Yes, this week, I promise." Kayla said.

They looked at Zacky.

"Yes." Zacky said.

Courtney and Lizzy got all excited and left the room. That all they wanted was to be safe.

"Well then." Brandy said shaking her head then looking at me, "you two Thor close fast?"

I shook my head and tried to push Syn off but he wouldn't budge.

"What did you tell him?" Zacky asked.

I smiled and ran my hand threw Syns hair, "The six of us. In an alliance."

"Oh shit yea!" Johnny said excited, "I wanna name us!"

"Alright smart one, what's your bright idea?" Syn asked him.

Johnny thought for a minute, "how about the quack pack?"

I shook my head no, "that's the name of an alliance from a last big brother, no."

"Well fuck I don't know then!" Johnny said banging his head against the wall.

Syn got up from my lap and grabbed a guitar that was on the wall.

I watched him start playing, then I looked at Zacky.

"What?" He asked me.

I pointed at Syn.

"What about him?" He asked.

"Think of a name looking at him okay the guitar?" I asked.

Zacky shook his head no.

"I got it." Syn said sitting the guitar down, the devilish six strings!"

"I like it!!" Brandy got excited.

"Fuck yes." Zacky said over excited.

Johnny shook his head, "I like it too, but I play the bass it has four."

Zacky and Syn threw pillows at him.

"You can't spell bass without ass." Zacky laughed.

Johnny flipped them off.

"Alright guys, I swear, if any of you break this alliance, I'm kill you all." Brandy said serious.

Kayla laughed, "I won't, but let's go in the livingroom and figure out who were putting on the block."

"Agreed." Brandy said as she got up and followed Kayla out the door.

Syn helped me off the couch and the rest of is followed them.

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