Chapter Four

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We talked and got to know everyone. They didn't seam that bad, but I really wasn't found of these girls. They couldn't stop flirting with the boys. It was annoying. We still hung out in the livingroom while a lot of them went back to their rooms.

"So what brings you here?" DJ asked me.

I gave him a weird look, "the question is, what are you doing here?"

"Michael out me up for this shit when Harper and I broke up." He explained, "I never watched this show in my life."

"I know you and you are more then likely going to hate it here." I laughed.

He shook his head, "I'm smacking anyone that lies to me."

"You can't do that." The Amber girl told him.

I glared at her.

"I can do what I want." DJ said being smart.

She rolled her eyes and looked at Synyster, "tell me about you."

"I'm from right here in Cali. Huntington Beach as a matter of fact." He told her.

"Which band are you from?" she asked him.

He shook his head, "were not allowed to tell, but I can tell you, I play the lead guitar in my band."

"Well maybe toward the end, we'll find out what band your in." She smiled as she got up, ran her hand across is chest and walked out back.

I rolled my eyes, "If shes here."

"Meeting?" Syn said looking at me.

I got up and looked at Kayla, "You have an idea? Cause I do."

Johnny came running from the kitchen with the Kaylyn girl chasing him.

He attacked him, knocking them both of the ground.

"I wanna touch it!" Kaylyn laughed.

"Never!" Johnny said protecting his mohawk.

"Yea, I have an idea." Kayla said as she got up and started to her HOH room.

Zacky got up and followed.

"Come one Johnny." I said helping him off the floor.

Kaylyn grabbed his hand and tried pulling him back down, "No!"

"Um, we need to talk to him?" I said as yanked him up, tossing him toward the stairs.

Kaylyn just laid on the floor laughing.

The Cynthia girl came in and joined her.

I rolled my eyes and followed everyone upstairs.

I was the last one in and shut the door behind me.

Syn smiled and scooted over for me to sit next to him, but I just slid again the door and sat in the floor.

"Alright, Zacky, do you have any idea who you wanna put up?" Kayla asked him.

He shurgged his shoulders, "No idea."

"How about that DJ guy." Syn suggested.

"No." I said instently, "Hes cool. Keep him."

"Then but Johnny." Brandy laughed jokingly.

Johnny threw a pillow at her.

"No thats a good idea." Kayla said thinking about it.

Johnny pouted at her, "Heyy."

"No shut up." Kayla said pushing him off the bed, "I put up Johnny, it looks as if we girls, dont like you guys."

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