Here's your change and uh... my number

521 23 8

"Donnelly! Get to the till, cover for Marks." My manager shouts, sounding extremely stressed.

"Yes sir!" I get up and immediately obey.

Running my hand through my hair, I sigh at the line that steadily grows longer and longer. I have worked here long enough to know that on Mondays, the coffee shop is always nearly full and at it's busiest.

While busying myself at the till, I study the people in the queue. The next person to order is a cute guy with dark, spiky hair who looks around the same age as me. He is engrossed on his phone, texting. I see a label on his uniform that says 'Anthony McPartlin".

He came up to the counter, "A small caramel frap, please." He says politely, not looking up.

"Coming right up!" I say, trying to sound relaxed.

My co worker swiftly prepares his order and places it on the counter for me to serve.

"Here you go, sir. That'll be £4.50."

He hands me a £5 note and in doing so, he finally looks at me. He freezes, his mouth agape, his blue eyes wide. I stand there awkwardly, blushing. It goes on for around 10 seconds until he blinks rapidly and begins to stutte.

"Uhh...Yeah...Ok...I...I...Uhm...I-" He stops spluttering and takes a deep breath. "Has this happened to you before?"

I was confused. "Uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"This!" He exclaims, pointing his finger alternately between us. "You know, a guy sees your pretty face and he freezes and almost drools? And it's so obvious that he's attracted to you big time?"

After he said this, the whole shop stood still, and I realise they just heard our little exchange and their attention is on us. Some customers giggled, while others aw. I blush ten times darker and answer his question.

"Uh, not really..."

He snatches the £5 note from my hand, takes a £20 note from his pocket and shoves it to me.

"There!" He says, satisfied. "I'll exit this shop, pretending like I've forgotten my change, so you'll have an excuse to follow me outside. If you follow me outside to give me my change, you agree to give me your number and to have dinner with me sometime this week. If not, then you can just put my change in the donation box."

He spins on his heel and leaves abruptly with his coffee, leaving me speechless. An old woman who was behind him in the line comes up to me and gets my attention.

"Oh my god," she says. "That is kind of rude, but cheesy. But he's really cute and very honest! What are you waiting for?! Follow him!"

The other customers, my co worker, and even my manager all clamour, telling me to follow him outside. Flustered, I quickly gather his change and scribble my number on a tissue. I run outside, not because of the peer pressure, but because I'm attracted to him too!

I catch up with him and tap him on the shoulder. "Here's your change and uh... my number. " I pant.

The cute guy smiles, takes the tissue and change and walks away.

Dazed, and with my mouth stretched into a huge smile,  I go back inside and receive a round of applause from everyone while my manager shouts out loud;


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