"What? How?"

Mike sighed as he lowered his eyes. "He got a shot of me and Chester hugging and brought it to my work place... I can't date a client, so..."

"Shit, I'm so sorry."

Mike shrugged. "I preferred that he got to me than Chester... talking about him, I need to go give him his meds. Thanks for listening, Ryan."

He got up from his chair and walked toward the door as Ryan followed him.

"Hey, if you need anything, just call, okay?" Ryan said, as he slid him his number that he had wrote on a napkin. "I'll help any way I can."

Mike smiled before he nodded. "Thanks, Ryan. I hope I won't have to, but I really appreciate it."

On his way to Chester's place, the half Asian thought of how he would tell his boyfriend that he had been fired. He had to find a way to tell him smoothly so he wouldn't feel guilty. It wasn't his fault and Mike would choose him over his job with no hesitation.

With a deep breath he knocked on the blonde's door but this time he didn't receive an immediate answer and a warm reception full of kisses like he had since they'd made things official, instead, Chester opened just a little crack and showed his scared eye to Mike.

He instantly remembered of his first days delivering to the young man and his heart sunk. That was the effect Mark had had on him. Anger boiled up inside of him again but he kept calm for Chester. His boyfriend needed him right now.

"Ches? It's me, sweetheart. Can I come in?" He asked in a soft-spoken voice, looking into the other's brown eyes.

"Y-yes. Sorry." He nodded quickly and shook slightly.

"Don't be." Mike smiled sadly. "Can we sit down?" Chester only nodded and sat on the couch. He looked so fragile. His clothes were kneaded, his eyes dark and sunk into his skull, his hair was a complete mess and he couldn't stop fidgeting. It was like he hadn't slept the whole night, even if they were together. Mike had noticed that he was awake and pretending to sleep when he himself got up to go to home to get ready for work.

"Babe, look at me. What's bothering you?" The half Asian asked even though he already knew the answer. "You can tell me. I'm here for that." He reached out and took the blonde's hand in his, squeezing it lightly.

"I... I d-don't know. M-Mark is b-back I'm s-scared." He spit out, his breathing growing erratic. The other man hugged him tightly, caressing his blonde mess and making sure to calm him down.

"He won't come back and he won't touch you. I won't let him." Mike kissed Chester's crown. "I came earlier because I need to tell you something, Ches." The blonde gulped and broke the hug, his scared eyes looking back at Mike's as he started thinking that the half Asian was going to dump him and never come back again. He just couldn't help those thoughts even though Mike had just assured that he wouldn't leave.

"I won't be delivering anymore. Talinda told me today that I couldn't work there anymore and... today's my last day." Mike sighed deeply, not letting go of Chester's hand.

"Why?" The blonde asked desperately.

"Mark showed my superiors a picture of us hugging. It was his fault." The deliverer made sure to put intonation at the last's part.

"It was because of me. Oh no." Chester gazed away, his face fell as he let go of his boyfriend's hand and closed them into fists, rubbing his eyes carelessly.

"Ches, no. It was not your fault. It is not your fault." Mike held the other's fists. "I don't blame you. I can get another job, that's not a problem. I would chose you over my job every time, Ches. If I can't be with you because of a job then this job is not worth it." Mike explained, finishing as he kissed the blonde's cheeks.

Disjointed Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें