I dressed in silence

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I dressed in silence.

At least I was silent.

'Why are you wearing that? You got a date or something?'

"Shut up, with the sarcasm. You would rather I wear a dress?"

'Like you have a dress.'

I pulled on a light, sleeveless, t-shirt.

'You know people will be able to see your breasts if they look at you sideways.'

"I am wearing a bra."

'You should dress more like a girl ... than a boy.'

More sarcasm.

"I think you should shut the fuck up," I snapped as I put my jeans on.

'What if you have to run from some slasher, wanting to slit your throat.'

I slipped my running shoes on my bare feet.

'Do you realize how many germs are in those running shoes?'

I took my wallet and cellphone off the nightstand, slipping the wallet in my back pocket and the cellphone in my front. 

'The only girl I know who has a wallet.'

"Shut the fuck up."

I left my bedroom and hurried downstairs.

I like my wallet. That way I didn't have to carry some girlie purse around, that was always in the way.

'There is nothing girlie about you.'

I shook my head as I walked back to the kitchen.

So I wasn't a girlie girl. I liked my short hair, dyed two colours and I was comfortable in jeans and t-shirts and baggy clothes.

I didn't like makeup and I didn't like hanging with the stuck up bitches in school. They were all so phoney. I liked sports and I even enjoyed hunting with my Dad. I shot my first gun when I was just 7 years old. Freaked Mom the fuck out, when Dad told her.

He assured her that it was safe and that I was only shooting a 22 calibre gun. It wasn't. But that was our secret.

My brother was terrified of guns. Actually he was pretty much terrified of everything.

Thunder, spiders, girls, backfiring cars, water. Did I mention girls.

Dad would always laugh.

"At least I have one son."

But, in all honesty, I loved my brother and I would do anything for him. I even showed him how to erase his history on the laptop, so Mom and Dad wouldn't know he was on every porn sight imaginable.

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