"What choreographers you like?" She asked.

 "Sean Bankhead, Laurianne Gibson, and some people from So You Think You Can Dance and YouTube." I said.  

 "I know you did a YouTube video." She said.

 My neck turned quick.

 "What? How?" I said.

 "I know everything, I saw you dance to "House Party"." she said.

 I just hid my face of embarrassment. Me and Rachel did that video like almost two years ago.

 "Don't hide your face now." She said.

 "Did you show daddy?" I asked.

 "No but your aunts and Angie seen it." She said.

 "Oh great." I said.

 "Y'all was good though." She said.

 "We was alright." I said.

 "Hey ma." I heard and turned around and saw Damien holding Blue.

 "Hey." She said. "What you been doing with my baby?"

 "Uh flash cards." He said.

 "Bang bang." Blue said.

 My mom looked at Damien.

 "In between playing Call of Duty." He said.

 "What did I tell you about playing that game in front of her?" She said.

 "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He said.

 "I know it won't." She said. "Blue."

 Blue looked.

 "You want to eat?" My mom asked.

 "Eat." She said and my mom grabbed her and she went towards the kitchen.

 "Ma, can you get my crutches?" I asked.

 "Chanel, how did you get out here?" She asked.

 "Limped." I said.

 "Well limp back to your room." She said and went in the kitchen with Blue.

 Damien laughed.

 "Oh shut up." I said as I limped towards my room.


 Beyoncé's POV

 I woke up early, why? I don't know. I don't have rehearsal till twelve. I decided to wake the kids up for school after I went in the bathroom and got myself together. I went in Chanel's room first. She was knocked out.

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