Grief - Logan & Roman & Virgil

Start from the beginning

Stepping up the two steps leading to the porch, he lifted his left arm and knocked heavily on the double, dark wooden doors. He only waited a few moments before the door opened and he came face to face with one of his aunts. His mother had two sisters and three brothers in total, while his father was an only child. Although, he hadn't seen his father since he was eighteen, so he didn't think about the man much. His aunts and uncles never talked to him since he came out, but he couldn't care less, both uncles were the coach-type dad, the type of person he could never get along with, and his aunts were gossip central, drank wine every night, and would rather go to things like bingo, or walks with their friends than care for their kids.

Logan really disliked his family.

"Salutations, Betty" he greeted politely, anyway, sending her a tight lipped smile. She nodded once and stepped aside, letting him in. She reminded him of a bloody body guard or something. Stepping by, he didn't stop to converse, he went straight into the living room to see his second aunt and mother sitting on the couches. They both had clear tear stains on their cheeks, so did Betty now that he thinks about it, but he didn't care, all he wanted was dates and information.

"Nice too see you both" he greeted, sitting on the arm chair. The room was thick with tension, something that couldn't be sliced with the sharpest blade. Shifting uncomfortably, he crossed one leg over the other, intertwining his fingers together, and resting them on his knee.

"Enough of formalities" Logan cleared his throat, "When will the funeral be held?"

"Why? Why go to the funeral of someone you don't care about?" His second aunt, Lola, muttered with a wavering voice, turning her head away and clenching her eyes shut. "Here we go" Logan sighed, "Grace was my sister, I do care, but not as much as you. Which is perfectly justifiable if you knew our past. I have accepted no one in our family will love me again because of my romantic attractions to the same sex, so if you feel I will make the day excruciatingly unbearable with my presence alone, I will not join" He laid down his cards, now he wondered if they would be upfront, or lie.

"We do love you, Logan" Lola murmured. Well, Logan didn't expect anything less, they chose a lie.

He held up his hand. "Do not try to trick or deceive me, you are all emotional over the loss of a close family member, that is all. If it eases you in anyway, I do not love you either, but that is not why we are here today, is it?" Silence. Awkward, heavy silence. Logan carried on.

"When is the funeral to be held?"

"Two weeks" his mother murmured. Logan nodded, bringing out his phone to check his calendar to see if he was available. Low and behold, he was. While doing so, he didn't notice the sisters share glances with each other. Betty and Lola both nodded at Logan's mother and she sighed.


He looked up. "Grace left a will"

He didn't expect anything else, but he stayed silent, nodding for them to continue. "She specified if anything were to happen to her and her husband, that..." his mother hesitated, as if she couldn't bring herself to say it. "That you look after her kids"

Logan froze, perplexed. His sister, who he knew didn't like him, wanted him to look after her kids? He could see why he would be the most viable option, his aunts and uncles lived quite far away, and it would make their situation worse if they had to move so long after their parents death, and his mother went on vacation too much to even earn the title 'mother'. But it surprised him she put that on her will.

He didn't exactly like kids, and never imagined himself to be the type of person to have kids, but he would definitely bring his sisters children into his care if that was the best option for them. He was told they were upstairs, in his old bedroom, so with a nod he pocketed his phone and traveled through the familiar house. Standing outside the door, he could hear a quiet voice alongside sniffles and hiccups. He felt for the kids, he knew they were young, it must he harrowing to lose both parents so suddenly.

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