Chapter 23: What a day!

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“So you fell in love with someone that doesn’t exist or with someone who doesn’t know you exist.” he said.

“Somewhat, yes. But at least, I became happy with it.” I said.

Jinyoung stared at the stars. “Okay fine. Now tell me what you want to tell me.”

I smiled at him.

“But now, I think I’m falling for a real person.” I said.

“For Mark right?” he said. I nodded.

“But, we just met for 2 months. I am not really so sure yet. But when I’m with him, I can’t stop smiling.” I said. “I liked him before since your debut. But that was as a fan. I never imagined that I will be able to meet him in person.”

“Everything seems to be so fast right?” he said.

“Yeah. I don’t even know if what I’m feeling is love or just an infatuation.” I said.

“Whether it’s love or not, just enjoy the moment while it’s there. There may come a time that it will no longer be available.” he said.

“I think so.” I smiled at him. “But I’m afraid.”

Jinyoung looked at me. “Afraid of what?”

“Afraid that I might make the same mistake.” I said.

“Mistake? Yah, Rhianne, tell me what you really want to say. Stop making those statements.” Jinyoung said.

I sighed, “Mark became so kind to me and now I’m starting to fall for him but I don’t know if he feels the same way. There is really something but I don’t want to assume.”

“Don’t worry he li…”

*ring ring*

Jinyoung was not yet finished saying what he wanted to say but someone is calling.

“Oh, I’m going to answer this call.” I told Jinyoung.

Manager unnie was calling.

“Oh manager unnie, why did you call?”

“Are you at the dorms?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m here at the rooftop. Why?”

“JYP just called me. The pictorial supposedly scheduled next week was transferred today. The photographer had some personal things to fix next week and you won’t be available on the next days so are you going to be fine if the pictorial will be tonight? At around 11pm I guess.” she said.

Way Back Home (Mark Tuan - GOT7 Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن