chapter six: starting over

Start from the beginning

I thought about his alibi for a minute. Could this be true? He was very clumsy so him dropping his phone in the toilet wasnt a big surprise. I didnt want to lose him again I decided to forgive him. Now, how could he repay me? "Well, there is this one thing that I have wanted to do for a few weeks now..." I trailed off. "And what would that be?"

Thinking about all the lights and different foods made me want to get up and run to it. "Do you remember when we were younger, how your mom used to take us to that carnival every year? Well, I was wondering if," He cut me off before I had a chance to finish. "You want me to take you?"

It seemed a little childish but I couldnt help it. I always had a good time at carnivals. Especially with Harry. I nodded my head in response to his question. He laughed and said, "You always have loved the carnival. Since we have a break, and are staying here in Holmes Chapel, I guess we could go tomorrow." Excitement filled my insides. It will be just like when we were kids. Tomorrow is going to be great.

*Harry's POV*

I cant believe she bought that lie. I hated lying to her but Liam told me that I cant tell her the truth.


We all walked through the door to my step father's bungalo. We would be staying here for the next two weeks. Louis hasnt said a word the whole way home and he just went straight to his bed. What was wrong with him? I made a mental note to check on him. I walked over to the couch where Liam was sitting.

I sat down next to him while Zayn and Niall were in their own conversation. "What are you smiling at?" I asked Liam. The smile has been on his face since the girls left. "Oh, just thinking about Emma. She's a really lovely girl." Im sure she is, but I had no idea who she was. When I asked her who she was, she acted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Liam was the one who went and talked to her in the hall after she left, maybe he knew. "Okay, tell me who she is. She obviously told you, and now your just keeping it from me."

Liam's mouth formed a straight line. "I really wish I could tell you. She said to let you remember on your own." Anger boiled up inside me. My best mate couldnt even tell me who she was. What were they hiding? Why are they keeping it from me? I began to raise my voice. "Liam tell me who she is! Why does it matter so much? Is it that big of a deal?" His mouth was in a frown and he stood up from the couch. "For god sakes Harry! She was your best friend! Her name is Emmalee Craig, she moved to Holmes Chapel when she was 8! Ring a bell?!"

It all came back to me. Those curls, her voice, her eyes, her beauty. She's changed quite a bit since I left. I was speechless. How could I have not known it was her from the start? She must hate me now. I need to get my mind of this. I didnt respond to Liam. I stood up and walked to the bedroom Louis and I were sharing. There were two twin sized beds and Louis was already laying down in his. He wasnt asleep because he was on Twitter.

I walked over to his bed and sat on the edge. He looked up me. A sad expression was written all over his face. "Whats wrong Lou? I havent ever seen you this down." He set his phone down and sat up to face me. "I messed up Haz. I should have asked for Mary's number. Now i will never see her again. She's gone. I let an amazing girl out of my life." I said the first thing that came to mind.

"You will see her again. She lives in Holmes Chapel so we are bound to run into her, and I let an amazing girl go too." That was the last thing either of us said before we both fell asleep in our beds.


Dinner was almost finished. We have been making jokes and catching up for the past two hours. Emma set the fork she was using down and said, "Well that was brilliant. Did you make this?" I smiled. "Yes I did." She smiled back and sighed. "Well, it's getting late. Should we start heading back?" I didnt want to leave. I wanted to stay with her. Then an idea came to mind. "How about we watch the stars for a while first." I stood up and grabbed her hand. I walked to an open area and layed down. She layed down next to me and stared at the sky, as did I.

There must have been a million stars out tonight. After five minutes of silence, I remembered an important detail about Emma. She was ticklish. Her eyes were glued to the sky and didnt notice my hands slowly making their way to her stomach. I quickly gabbed her stomach and moved my fingers up and down. She screamed and laughed. "HARRY! S-STOP! P-PLEASE!" I didnt listen to her and kept tickling her.

I sat up to get a better look at her. She took me by surprise and started tickling me back. I instantly fell to the ground again and she got on top of me and continued to tickle me. I tried to push her hands away but she just kept bringing them back. Finally, I pushed her off of me and we started rolling on the ground tickling each other.

We both stopped when we couldnt breathe anymore. She ended up laying on my chest while my back was on the ground. I leaned in and whispered to her. "I won." I playfully winked at her and she rolled her eyes. Our gazes locked on each other and neither of us dared to move. I slowly started to lean in, and she did the same. Our noses were touching. I couldnt take it any longer. I closed the distance between us. Surprisingly she kissed me back.

The second our lips touched there was a spark between us. Our lips moved in sync until she pulled away. We were both out of breathe.

She stood up and reached her hand out to help me up. "I better get home." A smile was implanted on my face.

The car ride was silent, but it wasnt uncomfortable. It was nice, peaceful.

I pulled into her driveway and said, "Goodnight, love. Sweet dreams." She smiled at me and replied. "Goodnight Harry. I had fun tonight." She unbuckled her seat belt and left the car. I already missed her and she wasnt even at her front door yet. Tomorrows plans consist of Emma, me, and a carnival.


im excited for the next chapter! are you? of course you are.

what do you think Liam is going to say? it's okay, i dont know either.


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