Its a Hard Knock Life

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As I swept the floors of my room in the orphanage I thought about what my life should have been like. Having family dinners with my parents and my little sisters, playing with other children when I was younger. But instead I'm stuck in this orphanage. It's not like the movie Annie but don't think its much better.

"Lucy are you almost finished with your chores?" My best friend Carter asked me.

"Yeah Car, I'll be done in a few minutes." All the kids had to clean the orphanage because it's interview day. Interview day is when all the people that are interested in adopting come and meet the children and decide which kid they want to adopt. It kind of made me feel like a animal in a petting zoo. It wasn't fun.

"C'mon girls their are people arriving!!" Myla yelled down the girls hall. Myla is the oldest girl at the orphanage. She's lucky cause soon she'll be 18 and be able to leave the orphanage.
Me and Carter ran down the stairs and gave each other a hug and did our secret hand shake.

"Best of luck my friend." Carter said giggling.

"Right back at ya!" I replied to her. We went our separate ways to see if we would get adopted this month. Today is the day. I can feel it. The day I've been with for. 6 years in a orphanage and now it's time for me to find my home.
I walked out into the crowd of people when I saw a family with two little girls and a baby boy. They started walking over towards me.

"We'll hello there sweetie! What's your name?" The mom asked me.

"Lucy. And yours?" I asked while smiling at them. Remember Lucy, smile and be sweet. They'll love you.

"I'm Carol and this is Doug. These are our kids Alex, Anna, and Andrew." Carol said to me.

"So tell me a little about yourself." the dad, Doug asked.

"We'll I'm Lucy, I'm 16 years old, I came to the orphanage when I was 9, and I really like to dance. But that's really all." I said to them.

"Ok we'll Lucy, it's nice to meet you! We are gonna go talk to some other kids. It was nice meeting you!" Carol said to me. We'll I guess their not the family for me. They seemed happy. A little to happy. It was kind of weird. I walked over to a table in the corner and waited for someone else to come and talk to me. Except for no one ever did.

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