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Dear Whoever's Reading

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Dear Whoever's Reading

Seokjin had successfully tried to avoid me. And for the longest time I was convinced I appreciated said distance.
But then I remembered that one specific argument we had.

Apparently Jin knew what was going on. He had information that could be helpful for me.
And since I knew he wouldn't turn up voluntarily in Namjoon's apartment I didn't bother to just show up in front of his house door and knock the shit out of it.

* * *

It didn't take him long to open it. He stood there with bedhair and a grey bath robe over his broad shoulders. His eyes widened slightly and he scratched the back of the head.


„That's me." I said and just walked towards him, shoving him into the house and closing the door behind me. „We need to talk."

„Okay, calm down." he said and sighed deeply, indicating with a hand gesture for me to follow him. „For fuck's sake, it's like 7 am. Take a seat and I make you breakfast."
Knowing where the kitchen was I directly walked into it, taking a seat and taking off my jacket. „What brings you here, Yoongi?" he asked, his back facing me.

„An argument we had exactly a week ago." I said nonchalantly but it made him stiffen either way, his hunched over posture very still. A chilly silence laid above us and it took him a while to break it.

„I see." he then whispered and slowly turned around. His expression was anything than what I had expected.

He had a freaky smile on his lips, his eyes dark and hooded and his hands pressed against the counter of the kitchen.

„So I guess you finally want to hear the truth, hm?"

„I guess?" I said, trying to keep the impression that I was unbothered about his change in character. „What do you have to tell me?"

„What do you want to know?" he asked back, turning his body halfway back to the counter to avoid any burnings from the food.

„I want to know what happened between Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin." I said straight forward.

„Ha! That's the only thing that bothers you?" he asked with a laughter and handed me out the cup of coffee, the fried bacon coming soon after.

„That's the only thing that's there. Isn't it?" I asked back, getting a weird feeling in my belly.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at me with some sort of mischievous amusement. „Well, kind of." he said then, taking a seat in front of me and grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. „I'm just going to tell you what you ask me."

„Okay.." I said, still a little confused by his words. „I want to know what exactly happened between Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung."

„Alright." he said, wrapping his fingers around the cup of coffee and looking into it without his facial expression changing. „I remember clearly the day when Taehyung came to my house. Yes, I remember it clearly. It was the 11th of November."

„The day before Jimin died." I thought.

„He came into my house, his eyes full of tears. He looked so broken. I instantly hugged him, asking what is wrong, what had happened. He told me he found out that Jimin slept with Jungkook. I was very confused then."


„Taehyung was Jimin's best friend. They were closer than Jimin was with Jungkook. So I found it rather weird that Jimin hadn't told him they were having something behind your back. But what's even funnier is that Taehyung never told Jimin that he had the biggest crush on our beloved maknae."

„Taehyung loved Jungkook?"

„Oh, he didn't just love him. He adored him. I had never seen him cry so much for anybody. Not even after he found out that Jimin killed himself."

„He didn't kill himself."

„Well yes, but that was what we all thought in the beginning."

„Are you trying to convince me that Taehyung isn't the murderer?"

His expression turned ice cold. Slowly he leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table while staring into my eyes.

„I don't know who killed Jimin." he murmured dangerously. „I really wish I knew. But fact is that our circle of friendship is completely ruined."

„Apparently it was ruined even before Jimin's death!"

„And that is solely your fault!"
Jin rose from his seat, hovering over me. „You ruined everything, Min Yoongi!! Just because of you everything had to turn against us!!"

My eyes widened.
My fault? What?

„Can you imagine how many trembling backs I had to pat? Can you imagine how many tear-soaked shirts I had to wash the past month?! Do you know how much bullshit I had to listen to?! AND THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!"

„S-Seokjin, c-calm down! I don't understand any-"

„And you are still denying it, huh?! Leave!! Fucking leave! Leave just like you made me leave last week!!"

* * *

I came home more confused than ever. I really hoped the visit at Seokjin's house would solve my problem. But apparently I was the issue? What did I do?!

Putting together the pieces I have I come to the conclusion that it must be Taehyung. It made sense.

Taehyung loved Jungkook.
Jimin slept with Jungkook.
Taehyung found out and got angry at Jimin.
Taehyung has a reason to kill Jimin.

But was it really Taehyung after all? Is there more to find out?
Why was it allegedly my fault that everything turned downhill for all seven of us?
What did I do wrong?!

Namjoon is just as clueless as me.
I don't fucking know what to do anymore.


Lethal Letters || yoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora