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Dear Jimin

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Dear Jimin

I don't know if I should be horrified or glad.

I found the phone.
And I know who took it.

It was Taehyung's turn to look after me today. He was nice, made me food and talked a lot to brighten up my day (which didn't quite work but he gets points for effort).

But in a moment when he was on the toilet I used the situation to go through his backpack he always carries with him.
Yeah I know, it's not nice to look through someone's stuff but it was important.

And guess what I found there.
Your broken phone.

I heard him approaching the living room, I quickly pocketed the phone and pretended to watch tv. He joined me on the couch and it was like nothing was wrong. He laughed whenever the comedian made a joke and he tried to involve me in a conversation but I was way too terrified to answer.

Taehyung made himself so suspicious..
Why did he take the phone?
Why did he keep it in his bag?
Why would he take it with him?!

After a while I told him I would go and take a nap and he was fine with that. He said he would cook lunch in the meantime.
But he wasn't cooking..

I stood at the door of my room and eavesdropped. I heard him looking through his bag, he mumbled the whole time ‚Where is it? It must be here! Why is it gone?!'

All of a sudden I heard a scary bash and he yelled angrily. And then he was approaching my room with quick steps.

I never ran so fast. I jumped on the bed and threw the blanket over me, closing my eyes and pretended to sleep.

When he entered I opened my eyes as if I was waken by his entering.

I wish I had kept my eyes closed.

While his face was calm his eyes were wide open and bloodshot. He looked like a psychopath. The rim of his eyes were red as if he was crying or scratching them. Much to my regret the later turned out to be true.

He rubbed his left eye harshly with his fist before he spoke up, his voice lower than usual and incredibly steady.


I really tried to seem unbothered by his behavior but I felt so horrified.


„Have you.. by any chance.. seen a phone laying around?"

„What phone?"

„Oh well.. just a regular phone." He shrugged casually. „Did you see one, Hyung?"

I can't explain what struck my mind as I pulled the phone out of my pocket and showed it to him.

„You mean this phone?"

His eyes became even bigger than before and I can't really tell how it was possible. His hands began to shake.

„Y-Yes.. where did you find it?" he asked me, his voice showing the first sense of nervousness.

The situation was dangerous. Really dangerous. I had never seen Tae in such a state of terror. But I needed to do something.

„Do you want it back?" I asked back, not wanting to answer his question.

To my surprise he shook his head, confusing me.
„You can keep it, Hyung. I repaired it for you.."

Instantly I was on my feet and before I understood what happened I had grabbed Tae by his shirt, shaking him violently.

„You stole the phone!! Why did you take it?! Did you kill Jimin?! DID YOU KILL HIM, FUCKER?!"

Taehyung was crying by now, shaking his head and holding onto my hands, sobbing like crazy.

„N-No no, Hyung!! I could never!!"

I felt so much rage..
I felt so ready to kill him. At that point I really believed he killed you, Jimin.

After a while I sent him home. He was more of a wreck than I was. Plus he scared the shit out of me. I didn't feel safe with him anymore.

I told Namjoon about your phone. But I didn't say Tae repaired it. Instead I said he broke it more and I threw it away because it was of no use since too many fingerprints would hide the real murderer.

Namjoon looked a little suspicious at me, probably thinking I was covering up shit. I mean you know me. I'm a bad liar.

But still.. I didn't want to enlighten him yet.
Not yet..

I told him to just pretend I never told him anything. Maybe the fact that I work with him together will make Tae more nervous.

This is a really long letter and I'm sorry but I need to do this otherwise I will become insane.

Thanks for bearing with me, Jimin..
Love you.


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