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Dear Jimin

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Dear Jimin

I'm so sorry I didn't write to you yesterday.

The thing was that Hoseok stayed over the night. And let's just say we had a pretty interesting discussion.
But I want to speak about Jungkook first.

He looked after me today. It was a rather calm day. He made us food and we watched tv. We also talked a bit. But nothing really significant happened between us.

He mentioned you just once. He said he was looking at some pictures of you and got really upset. I was able to control my tears this time. I comforted him just like a hyung should and I hugged him tightly.

He said he's never able to show his feelings because he was known to show no emotions. He was the tough maknae after all. And it was kind of true. I had never seen him cry so much like today.

He really misses you.

But now onto Hoseok.

The day was pretty chill. We went out to take a walk, we cooked together and we watched tv. It was a rather spontaneous suggestion from me to have Hoseok stay the night. He was fine with that he said, but he had to go home first to get something. He wouldn't tell me what it was.

I found out later though.

He came back, packed up with pyjamas and blankets which weren't necessary because I said we had everything already at Namjoon's house but he said it reminded him of earlier years, when we were still young and innocent and having sleepovers together.

I could only agree, the memories instantly made me want to be a child again. I was 18 when the whole world unexpectedly turned dark for me.

The bright smile on his face and his energetic nature reminded me for a split second why I had fallen for him when we had decided to move in together in a dorm. I knew back then it was wrong, I knew he wouldn't approve.

And either way I had told him how I felt for him on a night he came back home, crying after another man who didn't want him. It wasn't his first rejection, I knew. And I also knew asking him at that specific moment was wrong.

I believe I was the first person Jung Hoseok rejected.

Why reject me?

In his eyes I was a brother.
In his eyes we didn't fit together.
In his eyes he wasn't good enough for me.

And so he introduced me to you, Jimin. Oh, I won't forget how big your eyes were when we met again.
I didn't ask for your number when we met at the fountain. I returned home with so much regret.

But the fact that Hoseok seemed to know you out of pure coincidence and decided to introduce me to you was the sign for me that we really were meant to be.

Okay, I'm getting off the point.

I learned quite a lot about Hoseok last night.

We made popcorn, chose a shitty movie to watch and shared a bed because Namjoon had no spare mattress anywhere and I didn't allow anybody to sleep on the couch because it was horribly uncomfortable.

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