Poor Maiden [ #1 DarkFantasy ]

61 9 6

WORDS: 101
GENRE: Dark Fantasy, Retelling of The Little Mermaid.

She came to me,
Late in the moonlight.

She came to me,
Looking for her knight.

Poor maiden,
she knew where he was,
but she couldn't get there.

Poor maiden,
She had to make sacrifices
That wasn't rare.

What was rare,
Was a mermaid
wanting to be on land.

What was rare,
Was her reason
to give her hand.

Her hand
For marriage.

Her hand
For experiment.

Poor maiden,

She came to me,
To give her hand,
To death.

Death wasn't me though.
Death was her love for him.

Poor, poor maiden,
She looked for her knight
in dark amour.

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