"I....I'm fairly certain that..." Even though Lúthien promised herself that she'd put those horrific memories behind her for the sake of this trip, she couldn't help it. They began seeping into her mind and the pain she felt in her heart returned. She dropped down to one knee as she clutched her chest, it became difficult to breathe.

"Miss Lúthien?" Thorin tried to help, but Abraxsis stopped him

"Will you show us where we will be staying?" He asked the Prince

"Right this way."

"Abrax-sis?" Lúthien wheezed, gasping for air

"You're alright, I'm right here." He said slipping an arm beneath her legs and another around her back. Abraxsis scooped her up and began following Thorin

"I...can't see...anything."

"I've got you, you're safe. Just breathe."


Lúthien's panic attack lasted for about half an hour before she passed out from all the crying she had done. Abraxsis had done his best attempting to comfort her in any way he could, for some reason she wasn't able to see. So he held her close so that she wouldn't have worry about being alone. He wiped her tears and rubbed her back in hopes she'd feel a bit better, eventually she fell asleep. Abraxsis felt bad about waking her, so he let her sleep as long as she needed.

About 2 hours after drifting off, Lúthien began to stir. Abraxsis, who had been sitting by her side immediately took hold of her hand.

"Lúthien?" He asked softly. She mumbled a bit before opening her eyes which still felt puffy from crying


"Can you see me?"

"I had another episode didn't I?"

"Yes, it was quite frightening. I don't think I've ever witnessed you lose your eyesight."

"You're telling me."

"How do you feel?"

"I think I'm alright, it's just-"

"Lúthien you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. But I want you tell me how I can help you."

"Did I sleep through the feast?"

"From what I know, it hasn't even begun yet."

"Good, it would've been quite embarrassing if I missed my own party."

"Are you sure you're up for it? Thranduil told me that the dwarves can become rather rowdy."

"Thranduil." She repeated

"You miss him, don't you?"

"I can't help but wonder how he's doing."

"I'm sure he's doing alright, I'm fairly certain that he's missing you as well...especially after that steamy kiss you gave him." Lúthien's face flushed with color

"Yes, well it'll be one of many." She said before standing up and walking over to the door

"One of many?" He arched his brow and smirked

"Come on, we can't miss our own feast."

"I agree that we should, but Lúthien?"


"The moment you feel uncomfortable, you will let me know. Won't you? I just don't want you to-"

"Of course I will." She sighed "But Abraxsis, eventually I'm going to need to learn how to handle these situations alone."

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