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I was sitting in the back of my Mum's car, we were pulled up outside my friend, Maddie's house, waiting for her to come out. She finally came out and got in the back seat beside me, the grin on her face and the name 'MAX' written in eyeliner across her cheek in capital letters tells me she's very excited about this concert. I can't lie, I am too! I had all my wristbands on, various 'I heart Nathan' or 'I heart Tom', etc, then there were just simple The Wanted or TW ones. My personal favourite just simply said 'Nicely' on it.

So yes I'm a typical fangirl. I have the merch. I'm wearing the t-shirt right now. Even the hoodie! I have wash off tattoo's on my cheeks, the one of the left says 'Nathan' and the one on the right says 'Jay', yep I'm a Jaythan girl and I'm proud! The truth is, who's cuter than the baby of the band? Seriously also those curls of Jay's! You just can not love that face I'm sorry. Erm, where was I? Oh yeah I was about to tell you where we were going if you haven't guessed already.

My Mum drove off then into the centre of London, we would be going to see The Wanted's latest tour. We also had pretty good seats this time.

Once we found a car park and parked up, we walked around to the arena and got in the queue. We must've stood around for at least an hour and a half before the doors opened.

It was a marathon to the merch stand...


{A/N - NEW JAYTHAN FANFIC!! I hope you enjoy :) It will be written from a fangirl's POV so you should be able to relate!

- Bronnie xx

Jaythan // Sykes & McGuiness | ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن