Rather Be

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Footsteps on the warm pavement sounded out as Alfred ran down it, golden sunlight streaming through tree leaves. The nation laughed, the edges of his jacket flapping behind him as he ran. Behind him England, France, Germany, and Russia ran, attempting (and failing) to keep up with the energetic nation. 

Well, he was trying to outrun them after all.

Alfred glanced behind him and laughed again, noting the elder nations were a good ways back. He took a sharp turn, coming up to a large fountain with a man playing the guitar on the edge. "Hey dude, mind doin' me a favor?" he asked, pulling out a 20$ bill.

"Sure. Whatcha need?" the man, seemingly in his late 40's with scraggly brown hair and bright green eyes said. He took the bill and let the guitar hand from his shoulder as he stood.

"I'm gonna hide, you mind telling the four guys that run by here that I went that way?" America asked, pointing in the opposite direction of the fountains.

The man nodded, Alfred smiling and ducking behind a fountain to hide. Soon enough, the nation came running into view— well, as good as he could see them through a wall of water, and the brunet man pointed them in the opposite direction.

They took off, and Alfred came out of hiding to thank the man. "You play?" he asked, gesturing to the guitar.

The man raised an eyebrow. "Do I play," he said sarcastically with a smile. "Of course I do— you wanna tell me why you were runnin' from those foreign folks though?" he asked. "I didn't just help you escape from the cops, did I?"

America laughed, his shoulder bouncing lightly. "Nah, nothin' like that— I just didn't wanna go to the meeting they had planned. They didn't really like that," he said with a wide smile.

The man nodded, sitting back down on the fountain. "Well, thanks. I appreciate the help..." he said.

"I should be saying that to you," America replied with a smile, taking a seat beside him. "Ya helped me out of a pinch."

"Alfred." the nation said, holding out a hand for the man to shake. He smiled and took it, tilting his head with a sly smile.


The man turned his attention back to his instrument and picked at the strings lightly, plucking out a tune Alfred recognized. "Hey- I love this song. Mind if I...?" he asked, smile still wide on his face as he pulled himself up to sit on top of a box on the fountain's edge.

August smiled and shook his head. "Go right ahead," he said.

Alfred smiled, nodding his head to the imaginary beat before he started singing.

"We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea...

But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be.

I would wait forever, exalted in the scene

As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat..."

He sat down beside August, kicking his legs as he sang, bouncing his shoulders playfully and nudging him with a smile.

"With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay

Strolling so casually~

We're different and the same, gave you another name

Switch up the batteries~"

Alfred hopped back up onto the fountain, belting the words out as a small audience began to gather.

"If you gave me a chance I would take it~

It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it

Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be~

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be~"

The group was larger now, dropping bills and coins into August's open guitar case. Alfred kept singing happily, smiling down at his citizens from atop the fountain's edge. He glanced at the guitarist and nudged him with his foot. "Come on, sing!" he said.

August shook his head with an easy smile, taking up the next verse.

"We staked out on a mission to find our inner peace

Make it everlasting so nothing's incomplete

It's easy being with you, sacred simplicity

As long as we're together, there's no place I'd rather be..."

Alfred sung with him, sitting down beside August as he played.

"With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay

Strolling so casually...

We're different and the same, gave you another name

Switch up the batteries~"

"f you gave me a chance I would take it

It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it

Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be~"

Amongst the crowd, the nations had shown up once more, drawn back by the sound of Alfred's voice.

"He does this more than I would have thought," Germany said, his arms crossed as they watched the nation harmonize with one of his citizens.

"You have no Idea..." England said, shaking his head with a soft smile.

France elbowed him, gesturing with his head towards Alfred, who was standing on the edge of the fountain again, singing on his own as the man that had misled them continued sitting and playing beside him.

"N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be..."

Alfred hopped off the fountain and glanced around, smiling at his people before his eyes landed on the nations. He smiled faded, eyes widening as he took off in the opposite direction. "I'M NOT GOING TO THE MEETING!" he yelled, the nations taking off after him.


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A short one, I know, but it's been a while since I wrote anything Hetalia and gotta get back into the groove of it XD

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