Chapter 2: Brother to the rescue

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After getting my prize money and shuffling through the crowd I find my bag and throw the money in and put my jacket lazily on.

"Hey bitchy Winston," I turn around see a smudge of tan flying through the air. Before I could even register what was happening I felt a sharp jab in my cheek and I was down. I went flying back and smashed straight on my ass.

My heads spinning and I grab my face feeling warm blood trickle down. I look up and see another fist coming towards me. I close my eyes and brace for the impact but it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw Simon's brother standing there with a fist extended and whoever hit me falling to the ground. I shuffle away from the falling man and he drops right next to me.

Confused and shocked I look up and see Simon's brother extending a hand down towards me. I look up at him then his hand. I absentmindedly take my hand off my face and let him help me off. He pulls me up and grabs hold of my waist to steady me.

"Are you okay?" he asks worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I shake my head still in shock then look down at the limp body on the floor. "Who the fuck is he?" I ask out loud to no one in particular.

"I don't know I saw him with that guy you knocked out earlier. Could be a friend," I turn and look at Simon's brother. And this time I actually get a look at him. Damn he's hot!

He has brown tousled hair like his brother that just makes a girls heart stop. He stands above me at a height I guess to be 6' 1" with his captivating blue eyes boring into me.

I gulp and look him over. I see him do the same to me but I don't care. And this is the part where I notice that he still hasn't let to of my hips... and I'm not wearing a shirt.

A slight sting in my cheek brings me back to reality. I wince and touch my cheek again. Definitely blood. Great.

As I wince again Simon's brother looks up and sees where the blood is on my cheek.

"Shit," he touches my cheek and winces when I wince. "Daniel," he yells over his shoulder. "Do you have a first aid kit?" he turns his attention back to me and asks.

"Yeah in my bag." he let's go of me and I turn around almost fall.

"Easy there," luckily Simon's brother catches me and puts one of my arms over his shoulder and snakes the other arm around my waist. "You okay?" he asks again.

"Yeah," I nod and he takes me a couple of feet to my bag.

"Here sit down," he lowers me down to the ground and I gladly sit. My head is pounding. I hate lucky shots.

"Daniel!" he yells again over his shoulder. This time a man shuffles out of the crowd and bumps into Simon's brother.

"Tyler bro what's wrong?" the guy I presume is Daniel asks Simon's brother.

"I need your help," Tyler nods down to me and Daniel's eyes widen. I look up at him and see that this 'Daniel' was Simon's other brother that was in the crowd.

"Shit dude what happened?" Daniel asks kneeling down next to me and taking a look at my cheek.

"Get your first aid kit," Tyler instructs to me and I nod. Slowly I turn and get my first aid kit from my bag. Daniel takes it and starts to remove different cleaning wipes and gauze.

"How bad is it?" I ask him in shock. It doesn't feel that bad.

"Pretty bad," Tyler kneels next to him and starts to peel open some disinfectant wipes.

"AUBREY!" I look up at my name and see Kate screaming running towards me with Jake behind her.

"Aubrey what the fuck happened?" Jake asks as he stops behind Daniel and Tyler.

"Some friend of that guy she beat attacked her," Tyler says and starts to wipe where the blood is.

"Ow," I exclaim as the wipe stings my cheek.

"It's gonna sting," Daniel says.

"And who are you guys?" Kate asks kneeling next to Tyler.

"Good samaritans," Tyler says in all seriousness.

"These are that first dude Simon's brothers," I say as Tyler keeps cleaning. "Tyler knocked him out for me."

"Returning a favor," Tyler tells me with a smile. "Thanks by the way,"

"Thanks for what?" Jake asks looking between the two of us confused.

"She didn't knock my brother out," Tyler explains getting some gauze from Daniel.

"I only pretended to so I didn't have to hurt him," I clarify to my confused friends.

"You did?" Daniel asks shocked. I just nod.

"There," Tyler tapes the gauze on and looks at his masterpiece. "Done."

"Thanks," I give him a shy smile.

"No problem," he says with a heart stopping grin. Him and Daniel pack away the stuff from the first aid kit and stand up.

"Can I get some help up?" I ask and Tyler grabs my arm and supports me by my hip as he lifts me up.

"Aubrey babe you look terrible." Jake says and cups my bandaged face.

"Yeah I figured."

"Are you her boyfriend?" Tyler asks Jake a little warily. I'm taken a little off guard by the sudden change in subject. I freeze and Katie burst out laughing.

"Oh god no," I tell him and Jake drops his hand.

"No I'm one of her best friends," Jake clarifies and clears his throat.

"Okay well take her home and you might want to look at that a little better," Tyler says, still supporting me by my waist.

"Shit home," my eyes widen and Katie stops laughing.

"Shit dude," she agrees.

"What?" Tyler asks confused.

"Shit shit shit," Jake mutters and grabs the hair on his head.

"Wait will someone tell me what's going on?" Tyler asks us again.

"I have to go," I step out of Tyler's grasp and clumsily grab my bag.

"Aubrey," I turn a little too fast and fall into Kate's arms.

"I have to go," I tell him and Kate and Jake both rush me out of there and to the car.

I needed to get all evidence off my face before tomorrow morning. Or else I'm screwed.


-Tyler's POV-

"I have to go," she told me and her friends rushed her out of there. I just stood there watching them, not making a move to stop them.

Once their car pulled away I turned to David.

"Where's Simon?" I asked him neutrally. With no emotions.

"Back there," he points behind him and I push trough the remainder of the thin crowd and find Simon holding an ice pack to his right temple in the changing room.

"Hey big bro," he says smiling. "Where ya been?" I just glared at him. Not bothering answering.

"Your an idiot," I spit at him and he winces a little.

"I didn't know she was that good," he shrugged. "Plus she didn't beat me to death."

"But what if she did?" I asked him. "What then? Another hospital bill? Gosh dude I told you this isn't healthy."

"I won't lose next time," Simon promised.

"Come on Simon," I threw my hands up in the air. "We moved to start over." I reminded him. "Me and Daniel have, now what about you."

"This so the only thing I'm good at," he says and stands up an inch away from me. "You know exactly what I feel while in the ring. You've been there."

"Not anymore," I tell him and turn to leave. I don't want to see my brother ruin his life.

Aubrey seemed pretty scared when I mentioned home. Who knows what this life has done to her...

...Well now I'll never know.

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