"Yin, I'm not one to fight for boys because they ain't shit, and I'm sure Sean has told your brother this, but I'll make it clear for you since you didn't get the message. You don't know me. You don't know where I come from, the people I know. You don't know how I work, how Sean works, or even have the school works and you're using a difficult tactic to do so. I suggest this, stay in your lane so that no one gets hurt. It seriously ain't that difficult." I stated as hot and furious aroma radiated off of me. The class knew I was mad, but they kept quiet as they didn't want to be my next victim. (unpopular opinion, humans ain't shit. Not just men, not just women, all of us ain't shit. except for kim namjoon-)

"(Y/N), what are you doing?"

"Nothing sir-"

"Sir help!" Yin yelled from underneath me and I quickly added pressure to shut her up. (i'm not even sure if this is how pressure point work, but hey, this is the land where logic doesn't exist~) Her body fell limp under my touch.

"Please get off her." The teacher said, not caring enough to look up from his computer.

"Remember what I said. Don't make this happen again." I slowly got up, and it took Yin a few seconds to have full control over her body again. I walked over to Sean, sitting on the table across from him.

"Wow, that was something different from the usual." He commented and looked up from his phone. I sighed, cracking my fingers.

"Ugh, don't even tell me about it. This shit is getting tiring, fighting people and shit..." I said, placing my hands on either side of his face and bringing his face closer.

"What are you doing?" He asked, slowly closing his eyes as I slowly leaned in.

"What? I don't deserve an award for using all my energy to something so worthless?" We chuckled.


*Mandy's P.O.V.*

I have to get out.

I need to get out.

I need to get out and tell someone, whether my parents like it or not.

But how?

I stared at the white, hardwood door blankly, looking for a way to escape. The was no windows, and my only way in or out was through that door that was locked from the outside. If I had some sort of bobby pin I could pick the lock with, I would have, but then what do I do after that? I can't stay here anymore, I need to leave.

I started to look around the room for any skinny, metallic object that I could shove into the door handle, eventually finding a clothing hanger that was piled on heavy, black garbage bags inside the closet. I praised the Lord before going over to pick the lock, and surprisingly, it worked.

The door unlocked, but I couldn't open it just yet. I didn't know where they were, that was until footsteps came up the stairs. The footsteps went down the hall in the other directions, and the closing of the door followed after. I knew which parent that was - mom - and seeing how it's past 11:30, she wouldn't come back out anytime soon. but I still had no clue where my father was. My rough prediction was that he is on the couch, probably passed out from drinking, but I could be wrong.

I mustered up enough courage to finally open the creaky door, slowly to not bring any attention towards my way. I opened the door wider, and looked down the hallway. Mom's door was shut tight, but some noise came from the living room. My prediction was right, but is he awake?

I slowly crawled out the room, slowly closing the door to make the illusion that I was sleeping in the room. I made my way over to the stairs, careful to not make any noise. I could see a shadow of him, his silhouette stood still. It's now or never Mandy. And I made my way downstairs.

Ahead of me, my pills were scattered across the floor, alongside my dresses and shoes from the pageant show. The golden note from Scarlet and Brooklyn shined in the pocket of my duffel bag. I needed to get them.

I was hesitant, but I couldn't stay on the ground, dragging my legs behind me. I crawled down to the last step of the stairs, taking the nearest three pills that were on the floor. I took them dry as there was no possible way I could drink water without making noise and grabbed the letter.

My exit was just across from me, I could feel it calling my name, but then, the figure in the living room started to stir, his voice grumbled over the T.V. and now, it was either life or death. I gathered enough courage to finally get up from the floor and tip-toe my way to the door. I'm almost there, I just need-

Dad started to mumble as he twisted and turned on the couch.

"Mandy....." He said, dropping the beer bottle that rested in his lap. The bottle broke, causing noise to rumble throughout the living room. He woke up. Dad stir again before finally rising and scanning the area around me. My breath got stuck in my throat.

It's now or never Mandy!

And I rushed to the door, swung it open and ran out without looking back.

I did it.

I escaped.

I escaped!

I jumped up and down the street, smiling as bright as ever. I'm finally free from the hell that I used to call home. I'm finally free from being starved and beaten. I'm finally free from my abusive parents.

I'm finally free.

Now time to find someone who can help me.

I walked all the way down the street to the last row of houses. She might be asleep, but right now I needed to hide. I walked up the stairs and started to knock on the door.

"Marzia?" I called and banged on the door a few times. Tears of joy started to run down my face as I felt happiness again. Something I thought I permanently lost, finally came back to me. I was happy. "Marz-ia..." I started to sob silently and sooner or later she came to the door, her hair all messed up as she just woke up from sleeping.

"Mandy, what the fuck?!" She finally snapped back into reality, immediately securing me in a tight hug. "My God, what the hell happened to you?" I only chuckled and she let me inside the house.

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