Chapter 57

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"I'mma look damn good for all of your friends~ Don't cry when you see me again~ I put my high heels on~" Marzia finished, looking off into the crowed with an emotionless face, panting heavily as she walked around the stage a lot. Marzia's face didn't match her voice at all. Her voice was powerful, stunning, and left me and probably everyone else speechless. She didn't miss one note, or didn't sound out of breath that whole prefrmance, it's amazing. She sang it like the original, she sang it effortlessly, with such grace, yet put out there a strong message. Now I know why she chose this song.

The girl walked off the stage, flicking her hair back, and gave me a hug as she walked by me.

"You were amazing!" I exclaimed. We released each other and once I looked back at her, a lonely tear was starting to fall down her cheek while a bright smile was plastered on her face. The smile was genuine, so where are the tears coming from?

"Aww, why are you crying?" I hugged her once more, wiping her tear. Marzia sniffed, "You're going to win, if that's what your worried about."

"It's not that," she said, a cough and a fountain more of tears cutting her off, "I'm....I'm just fustrated about everything." She lowered her volume as she spoke to me.

"MC's, you're on in three!" The driector yelled. Makeup artists immediately started to swarm me and Marzia, trying to adjust my clothing and pushing Marzia back into her waiting room.

"We'll talk later!" I yelled out to the prefomer, and she just raised a thumbs up as she was being pushed.

"Two!" I looked back at Felix, and I couldn't read his expression on his face. He was staring straight ahead, holding his microphone downwards. Does he not care about her now?

"One!" I took my mic out of the case turning it on and walking beside the dirty blonde onto the stage with linked arms. In an instant, his blank expression turned into a bright smile. Something's not right...

I shook it off, focusing on my task as being the MC.

"I put my high heels on~" I sang, my voice cracking because of how high the notes were. Felix chuckled. "Walk right out the door~" I contiuned, leaving Felix breathless from laughing too hard.

"Eleven out of ten, better than the original." Felix clapped, still dying of laugher. I bowed before him.

"Thank you, I've been practicing for the past seventeen years." I smirked, holding the microphone to my mouth.

"Speaking of people who've lived seventeen years, the next prefomer is one of my closets friends, and I'm even suprised that she's up here today." I was very hesitant to say who's preforming, and what song they were going to sing. I feel that it would hit very close to home, especially in her state of mind.

"Preforming," the tone in my voice has already decreased by a lot. I didn't feel comfortable by doing this, but maybe, if her parents are listening, it would send a message, "'Lie' by Jimin from BTS,"

"Mandy!" (idk mandy's last name someone plz help me)

The girl in a black romper walked on stage with black flats, hair up in a bun and baby hairs scattered across her forehead. That didn't cover the fact that her legs were five different colours, her arms were literally sticks, she had another black face mask on and she look she was on the brink of collapsing. Felix and I walked off stage, eyeing the girl closely for any flaws. We could already sense how shakey and nervous she was. The audience was silence. Only small murmurs here and there were heard.

Mandy took her seat in front of the piano, lowering her mask before sighing and adjusting her mic. A moment of silence passed before she started to play.


It hurt me to watch her preform. I'm not saying she's bad (Mandy is actually an excellent singer and that fact that she sang the bridge in Korean was phenomenal, someone needs to sign her now), and I'm also not saying she's a bad piano player (she's a goddess with that piano), but in the situation that she's currently, and with how accurately the song describes that, it's very disturbing to feel her hurting. It's like this is the only way she can reach her parents, and by the way her voice was shaky and cracking near the end and how she lightly pressed on the keys at the end, this whole prefrmance just seemed like a cry for help.

The prefomer finished, putting back on her face mask and getting up from her spot. She bowed before the quiet crowd before walking over our direction. Her eyes looked tried, and with each step she took, her head waved from side to side and she was walking slower and slower.


She collapsed.

She fell with a loud thud, not moving an inch once she hit the floor.

My heart stopped.

Felix and I immediately rushed to her, Felix slipping his hands underneath her as I tried to check for a pulse. That's when her eyes flickered opened, and she looked at the two of us.

"Holy shit," my best friend and I sighed in unison, Felix poker her up bridal style and bringing her to her changing room. We layed her on the couch, and she groaned, placing her hands over her eyes.

"Are you ok? Why the hell did you preform in the first place?" I asked, getting her a water bottle.

"My parents forced me-"

"Where the fuck are my MC's?! They're on in five!" We ignored the director's yell, focusing on our friend.

"You guys go, I'll be alright. My legs just went numb." Mandy said, taking a sip of her water. Before we could reply, our makeup artists were already all over us, pushing us out of the room as they adjusted our clothes.

"Fuck," I sighed, running my hand through my hair. Felix was equally as fustrated as me, violently taking our microphones and throwing mines at me. Right now, our friend is in danger, and we have no other choice but to contiune our show. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Two!" The driector yelled, forcing me and Felix to wipe that gloomly/fustrated look on our faces. I sighed, putting back on my cocky smirk, and Felix but back on his bright smile. Not saying Felix and I are pro's at faking our emotions, but that's exactly what I'm saying. Someone needs to hand us our acting contracts now.

"One!" We walked out of stage, pretending to wipe away fake tears.

"I've always found it impossible to master that song, but seeing how Mandy did it so effortlessly, please, everyone, give a vote to my best friend Mandy. That girl deserves it all." I forced on a fake smile.

"Let's not waste anymore time," Felix said, also faking a smile, "our next prefomer, oddly, doesn't want to stir things around, instead, she wants to keep shit on the darker side."

"Preforming 'Kill for You' by Skylar Grey,"

"Signe Hansen!"

(Fun fact, I originally thought that Mandy singing Love me, Love me, Love me by Hatsune Miku would better fit, but now when I look back at the lyrics and the original story behind the song, Lie was a better fit. Also, I know that Signe singing Kill for You will go over all of your heads, but maybe I'll explain what it means in the next chapter, which would probably be posted in the next two years because I'm a shit author ;) )

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