Dancing & Fathers

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Bavaria, Germany

Sylar and I step out of a limo and onto the regal steps of Neuschwastein Castle, my arm looping through his as we walked up. He leans down and whispers, “You know what to do.” I nod my head once. We almost make it inside when a usher stops us.

“I’m sorry. I’m going to have to see your invitations.” The usher says in a strong, husky German accent.

“I think we may have left them at our hotel.” I say.

“No invitation, no entrance.” The usher says.

I smile at him and look him in the eyes. “You will let us in without making a scene. Once my date and I are inside, you won’t remember our faces. We were never here. Understood?” I asked. Without a word, the usher stands aside and we walk inside. The ballroom was absolutely amazing. Lights lined the walls and a glimmering chandelier hangs from the ceiling. “So, what’s next in this big master plan of yours?” I asked.

Sylar looks at me his face blank. “We blend in.” He says simply yet obvious.

“And how do we do that?” I asked.

Sylar twirls me around and pulls me close, his hand on my waist and on hand cupped in mine. “We dance.” He smiled. Sylar actually smiled. I roll my eyes just as classical music plays. We start to dance and my mind escapes me as I think about the last time we danced.

~May 12th, 8 years ago~

Gabriel and I walked through the doors of our senior prom. Upon walking in, people whisper to each other as we take our seats at a table. Gabriel looks at the group of popular’s nervously.

“Don’t worry about them.” I tell him.

He looks at me flustered. “What do you mean?” He plays dumb.

“You know what I mean.” I say.

“Aren’t you a little worried what they’ll say?” He asks me.

“Honestly, I don’t care. I agreed to go to prom with you because you’re my best friend, Gabriel, not because of them. Besides there’s really no one I’d rather be with right now.” I smile.

Gabriel smiles sheepishly as a slow song comes on; ‘Everything’ by Lifehouse. I get out of my seat and offer Gabriel my hand. He looks at me confused, “Lacey, what’re you doing?”

“Come on.” I said.

“No.” He says.

“Please?” I begged.

“No.” He says again.

“C’mon Gabriel. You can’t hid e forever. Just one dance. Please?” I smile. Gabriel looks at my hand for a moment and sighs, grabbing hold of it. I drag him to the dance floor and we dance, slowly.

“They’re staring.” Gabriel says uneasily.

“Let them.” I tell him. Soon, everything was interrupted. Two jocks that I had known as Kyle and Jason pushed Gabriel away from me, cornering him to a wall. “Kyle, Jace, what are you doing? Get off him!” IU yell as they threw punches at him. I tried to break through but Kyle turns around and slugs me in the jaw.

Susan and her posy come up behind me. “Hello, Lacey. I see you brought your poor excuse of a date to prom. How sweet. Kyle, Jace, that’s enough. Don’t want to beat him up too much now do we?” She says snottily.

Kyle and Jason move out of the way and reveal a wounded Gabriel Gray. I help him up and susan comes closer. We try to leave but she blocks our path.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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