Dangerous Encounters

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Somewhere in New Mexico 6PM – Present Day

I slammed the door of my loft that I’d been hiding in for a month now. I breathed heavily, my hand pressed up against the door. It had been a while since I had used my ability to teleport and it took a lot out of me. Suddenly I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. They turn me around and I see him in front of me, the man I loved and who was my best friend, my only friend: Sylar. His hand presses against my collar bone pinning me to the door.

“What did you tell them?” He asks abruptly.

“Long  time no see. How’s the ribs?” I asked with a smirk. I could see the bandages on his abdomen from the last time he had tried to gain an ability.

Sylar pins me harder to the door, ignoring his own pain as he comes closer to me. “Don’t make me ask you again.” He says dangerously.

I sighed. “I told them I didn’t know where you were.”

“What else?” He asks.

“They thought if they held me hostage you’d come and get me. I’m actually surprised you didn’t.” I told him. Sylar looks at me for a moment and lets me go.

“I thought I told you not to get involved.” He said, his voice a low growl as he turned his back to me.

“What did you want me to do, Sylar? Watch you die?” I asked.

“You had no right to interfere!” He yells, turning back to me, a cold, heated glare in his eyes.

“If I hadn’t you’d be dead!” I yelled. Silence fills the room and I take a few breathes before I continue, “Besides you should be thanking me for saving your ass. What do I get instead? I get chained to a chair while being questioned and tortured for information about you. No, let’s send Alice in as bait, that was a perfect plan, Sylar, not at all life threatening!”

Sylar looks at me still, his eyes cold, dark and black, not the chocolate brown I knew before. “I did what was necessary to keep us alive.” He said.

“Yeah, us meaning you.” I scoffed.

“Well it worked didn’t it? We’re alive and unscathed…nearly.” Sylar states.

“What happened to you, Sylar? We’re a team. The world can be at the palm of our hands. But no you just had to risk it all. I told you to play it safe and maybe if you listened to me you would still have your abilities. But you just had to be all macho and prove something. What happened to my best friend? What happened to Gabriel Gray?” I asked.

Sylar pins me to a wall, pain surging through my nerves due to the force. A knife was pressed to my neck roughly. “Don’t you ever say that name again! He’s dead and he’s never coming back.” He yelled. I could feel both the blade and the warm, red liquid coming from my neck.

“What’re you waiting for, Sylar? If you’re so desperate, why don’t you kill me already? That’s what you want after all, isn’t it? To take my abilities?” I asked, pressing my neck further into the blade. Sylar looks at me for a moment and throws the blade on the floor, coming closer to me. He licks the blood from my neck, making me hold my breath in, from the pleasure and pain. He looks at me, his body close to mine. His eyes go back to a chocolate brown.

“I will take your abilities, Alice, but you’re more useful to me alive at the moment.” He smirks, smashing his mouth onto mine. I don’t have control over my body as I kiss him back and pull him even impossibly closer. He immediately pulls away and walks away. I catch my breath.

“What do we do now?” I asked after a few seconds of silence.

“I need your help.” Sylar says, now looking at me.

“What do you need?” I roll my eyes. Of course he needs me, my abilities, anyway.

“Put this on.” He said. I catch a piece of fabric he throws at me; a tight, short, black dress.

“Why?” I asked curiously.

“We’re going dancing.” He smiles deviously, murder in his eyes.

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