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Brooklyn, New York; 8 years ago

I looked out the window of dad’s car. Only a few feet away was the school I was going to be attending: Brooklyn High – Home of the Panthers.

“Dad, do I have to go here? Why can’t we go home?” I asked. I hated the fact that we moved…a lot.

“Lacey, it’s for the best. We have to lay low for a few months. They’re always watching which means…” I didn’t let Dad finish.

“…Which means we have to be careful. I know, I know.” I finished for him. I knew the routine. We’d always stop somewhere, get me into a good school, try to be normal and have a good life. But that never lasted more than a couple months because of me and my abilities.

“Sweetheart, I know you hate us moving all the time but it’s to keep our family safe. I’ll pick you up after school. I love you.” Dad says, pulling me into a hug.

“I love you too.” I manage a smile and get out of the car and into the building through the blue double doors. Once I entered, there were about 600 kids roaming the halls. I walk carefully through the groups of kids formed by the pale blue lockers.  Everyone looks at me and whispers to each other, something I had gotten used to by moving around the country. As I continue to walk, I see the “popular” group that was filled with cheerleaders and football players. I bump into someone and drop by bag with everything that was in there falling out.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” A soft, nervous voice said. His hands helped me pick up my things.

“No it’s fine. I didn’t exactly see you there either.” I told him. I stuff what I could find into my shoulder bag and look up at his face.

He was a good looking boy but looked dorky in a cute way at the same time. He wore black rimmed glasses that were thick that brought out his chocolate brown eyes. He also wore a polo shirt that was green and blue jeans, and his hair was a dark brown that looked almost black.

“Thanks.” I said with a smile. Before he got a chance to speak, the bell rings and I get up, dusting myself off. “I better go, don’t want to be late for class.” I say with sort of a nervous laughter. I then walk into the office to get my schedule and head to my first class.

The day goes by better than I once thought. When it was Gym, it was a gymnastics and baseball unit. Luckily, I had mastered those sports at my old school or schools. Lunch soon rolls  by and a ginger-haired girl with blue eyes approaches me as I head towards the cafeteria.

“Hey there! I’m Susan Chesters.” She greeted with a great big smile on her face. Honestly, it made me sort of sick. She had a cheerleading uniform on and I looked at her in confusion.

“Hi? I’m…” I started.

“I know who you are. Lacey, right?” Susan asks.  All I could do was nod my head as she looped her arm with mine and walked me towards the cafeteria. “Well Lacey, we could use your talents as a gymnast.” She says.

“For what exactly?” I asked.

“For the cheerleading squad of course! With you on our team, we could win competitions!” she emphasized.

“Well, that’s nice and all but I don’t know if I should. I mean, I’m not really looking to join any clubs or squads right now.” I say trying not to sound annoyed.

“Tell you what: we’re having try outs this Friday afterschool. At least try.” Susan bats her eyes at me.

“I’ll give it some thought.” I said.

“Suddenly, walking through the lunchroom, someone passes by me, bumping into my shoulder and heading to a table in the far corner of the cafeteria.

Poisoned Hearts (Sylar/Heroes fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang