chapter 5

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18 year old Percy pov

Despite the fact that Gaia is the goddess of earth I like would to say that I was handling the fight pretty well. I wish the rest of the seven were here to help me kick her dirt face butt. Resisting the urge to see how my sixteen year old self was doing against Kronos. Was it bad that this kind of stuff was getting way too normal for me?

A quiet voice that sounded like reason and logic, answered yes, this is bad. Fighting titans, gods and primordial beings was not something you should be doing on a random Thursday.

It kinda sounded like Annabeth.

I was pushed out of my thoughts when Gaia sent a pillar of dirt at me.

'That the best you got dirt face?'

Gaia let out a frustrated grunt, eyes wide and a light with fury.

'Why can't you just die like ever other half breed? Gaia snarled at me.

'If I died who would there be to sass all of you monsters? By the way how does it feel being unable to kill your enemy you have to back in time to kill him as a defenseless baby?'

It brought him back to that scenario the teacher would pose to the class; Would you kill baby Hitler. Which was a good thing, percy was the baby Hitler in this scenario.


A sharp pain exploded in his chest. The stupid dirt witch had thrown a rock. The force sent him flying into the wall due to the collision.

Son of a Hera.

Gaia's stupid face had morphed into a smug smirk. Angering percy. Gods, Titans, there all the same. Thinking they can do whatever they want to whoever they want. Not matter who got in their way. Tarturas had left its  mark on Annabeth and him but he felt none enraged than ever. It had scared him in way that the wound would never fully heal. Like a scab that would itch and crust, and while he could hide it, he would always know it was there.

Percy slashed. Thrust. Slash. Till he was a hurricane filled with force and emotion.

Forcing Gaia on the offensive. She stepped back. Then again.

Then again.

And again.

Percy's emotions clouded him. The red raze that had brought him to a frenzy. It had happen before but he had always had Annabeth to guard his back. Even jumping infront of it sometimes. She was preseptive and observant in away that he never could. She was a fine battle strategist  that lead them to countless victories. Without her, percy never would have made off that bus all those years ago.

Which is he didn't notice until it was to late.

Till he looked pass his slashing and clouded the red raze.

To the little smirk Gaia had plastered on her face.

As she aimed her hand at him.

Not him as he was now. Nor the younger version of himself currently fighting Kronos.

But baby him. Laying defenseless on the cold marble floor.

Oh you have got to be kidding me, Percy thought.

Can't immortal beings take the high road for once and fight someone their own size. One. Zues. Damned. Time.

Percy mused as he lunged infront of baby him. Talking Gaia's blow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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past gods meet future kronos and baby percyWhere stories live. Discover now