chapter 1

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Kronos pov

I was about to be defeated by Percy Jackson. There was no way to fight him so I did the only thing I could think of. I traveled back in time.

My vision was blurry for awhile it cleared I was standing in front of a door, I knocked on the door a few moments later a women opened the door. She looked like in her mid 20s, dark haired and blue eyes she looked tired. 'Hello' she said.
'Are you Sally Jackson'
'Great' and with that I drew blackbitter and ran the sword through her heart. Walking into the apartment it was nothing much a couch, t.v and a table stuff you would see in ever other apartment. The quietness was interrupted by a sound of a crying baby. Following the sound I walked into sea themed nursery with blue walls and stuffed sea animals. In a crib wasb little baby Jackson in a blue onesie. Tears failed down his face. Picking up looking him dead in the eye saying. 'Save you tears little one your going to meet your father before you die'. Flashing me and him to Olympus where they were have their winter solstice.

past gods meet future kronos and baby percyWhere stories live. Discover now