The Way To Hell

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Harry's P.O.V

The rest of the ceremony was a blur. Hermione volunteered and Draco as well?

What do I do?

We stood on the stage as the crowd roared with shock and disapproval.

Dolores was now picking out a Slytherin girl.
The crowd was silent.
All I could hear was the people who were weeping quietly in the crowd.
I was too shocked to hear the name. A girl who was in 6th year nervously walked up on stage. She was tall and had dark eyes.

Next it was Hufflepuffs turn.
Umbridge did not really seem that excited anymore. 

I had realised the second she arrived.
She was here for me.
Why? I don't know.

She plucked a name out of the cup.
A timid boy slowly came onto the stage, scowling at Umbridge.

Pretending not to notice it, Umbridge continued.
She picked out another name from her cup and read it aloud.

The girl leaped onto the stage, nearly knocking Umbridge over.

A few people in the crowd cheered at her bravery.
Umbridge shot a death stare at the girl.
She was quite short and looked as if she was also in her 6th year.

My ears were ringing. There was a constant buzzing noise.
I couldn't think straight.

We were all standing on the stage now, looking out towards the crowd. 

"Splendid." Umbridge smiled.
"I guess we have everyone now." She said, staring at the tributes.

"The competition will start quite soon. For now, the tributes will be coming with me. You will most likely be getting updates on how they are doing. This tournament symbolises our new wizarding world." Umbridge went on, faking her love for the 'new' world and how 'brave' we all were.

"Yeah sure." Draco muttered sarcastically. 

She shot him a death stare before finally saying, "That's enough talking for now, we should get going."

I could hardly breathe. I couldn't believe what was going on.

A ministry worker dragged me off the stage. Hermione, Draco and the others followed me.
They shoved the three of us into one carriage and the others into another carriage.

Once they closed the doors, the carriage began to move on its own.

"Draco! Why did you volunteer?" I cried. It was the first thing that had come to my mind.

Draco stared at me for a moment, and then smiled. 

"Harry. We are bound together. If anything happened to you, I will feel it as well. If you are going, I might as well be with you." He said confidently.

I felt so sorry for him. This was mainly my fault that we were bound together. If I hadn't wanted revenge on him. If I hadn't wanted the Elder wand. If I wasn't so horrible...

"This isn't your fault Harry." Hermione said, as if she had just read ny thoughts.

"Hermione you shouldn't have-" I began.

"It's Ok." She assured me.

"I could hear poor Ron shouting from the crowd." Hermione said sadly.

"And that's the first time I ever heard you call him Harry." Hermione said, looking at Malfoy.

"It's there a problem Granger?" He said defensively.

'Some things never change'. Hermione thought.

"Well. This isn't the first time he's called me Harry anyway." I chuckled.

Draco blushed awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Draco. This is all my fault." I finally said. 

"Nevermind. The others in the ministry won't let this happen to us." Draco assured.

I smiled weakly. 

"Is your father going to hear about this Malfoy?" Hermione teased.

"No. He won't hear anything. Not from me." Draco said coldly.

Hermione said nothing in return.

"Why are we in a carriage? Why did they not let us apparate or use the Floo network?" Draco finally said.

"Everyone probably knows about this already. They are making us ride through the streets where people can see the carriage. They want to make an appearance. Umbridge won't give up on whatever she's planning this easily. She will make it big." I said, fearing what would become of us.

"What will we have to do?" Hermione said hopelessly.

"Hurt eachother." Draco said bluntly.

"Or worse." Hermione whispered. 

"Nothing will happen to us. We will stay together. They can't make us do anything." Draco assured.

"You have the Elder wand, don't you Harry? And our bond..." Draco trailed off.

"We will be fine." Hermione said nervously.

Draco's P.O.V

The rest of the carriage ride went quite quickly for me.
What had I done?
I voulenteered.
I don't know why I did It.
My excuse was that it was because Harry and I were bound together anyway. Yet it was something else. I didn't want him to go through this on his own.
One second I was staring in shock at the scene, and the next moment I found myself walking onto the stage.

We talked more about what we might have to do and how we should protect ourselves.
We would have to protect eachother.

I still don't know how powerful my bond is with Harry, yet I bet that it can do a great deal of destruction.

We were snapped out if our conversations as the carriage jerked to a halt.

We were here.

We nervously stepped out of the carriage.
We seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Sort of. 
It looked as if the carriage had stopped near the edge of a forest.
There were a few buildings in the distance.

I didn't recognise this place.

The other carriage with the others suddenly appeared. The other students poured out of the carriage.

Suddenly, Umbridge appeared in front of us.

"Hello students. I'm hoping this all hasn't been too much of a shock for you." She smiled.

"Welcome to the Arena." She announced, and we all looked past her, and took a deep breath.

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