they were with ethan's rumored girlfriend, emma chamberlain.

no one knew for sure if they were dating or not, but it seemed as though all the signs pointed to yes.

they were all the hype on social media and had been for the past couple months, everyone speculating whether or not "ethma" was a thing.

"james is over there. he's talking to tana." brandi observed, taking me out of my thoughts as she watched the two friends in deep conversation.

"it's crazy that we've never met her. we've been at the same events at the same time but i've never talked to her face to face," i noted.

"i know, especially since we're all friends with james. i wanna know her though." brandi said, which resulted in me nodding in agreement.

we continued to mingle, saying hello to people we only ever saw at events like this.

"sisters! you made it!" i whipped my head around to see we were being greeted by the one and only, james charles.

"sis! we wouldn't miss it for the world!" i told him as we released from our hug, him moving over to greet brandi as well.

"ugh, where's ian? we need a pic together asap," james said as he started looking around for his brother. "sister ian!"

out of what seemed like nowhere, we heard a "brother ian," come from behind us. we turned around to be greeted by ian, james' younger brother.

"nice to see you liv, brandi," he said as he gave both of us hugs.

"ian, do me a favor and take a photo of us for snap," james said as he handed his brother his phone.

"anything for you, master," ian said sarcastically while the three of us chuckled, finding it amusing how james would always boss ian around.

"thanks for the invite, this place is so incredible!" brandi told him while looking around and admiring all of the details.

"how could i not invite one of the most iconic duos i know?" james asked as he wrapped his arms around both of us.

we all posed for the photos, ian switching back and forth between the camera and snapchat, making sure we had every photo we needed to flood our social media's with.

"that should be enough to get all three of you by for at least a month," ian said as gave james back his phone.

"thanks sister," james said, to which ian quickly corrected him, saying, "brother," as he usually did.

"there's tati! i need to go say hello, but i'll catch up with you guys later!" we both hugged james once again before he went to greet his other guests.

we continued talking and catching up with ian before he looked past us and noticed someone motioning him over.

"brandi, liv, wonderful to see you guys again but if you'll excuse me i've gotta get back to ethan and grayson," he smiled at us and made his way back to his friends.

i turned around and watched ian go back to his friends, noticing emma wasn't with the twins anymore.

"wanna go get drinks?" brandi asked me, causing me to turn my attention to her.

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