Phew Phew

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I'm glad Brendon asked me to move in because I love him, I mean who wouldn't. I also love Emmy.

Plus that'll give me a chance to know more about Emmy and get her a Christmas present. Though I'm undecided what to get her.

She did like my gift that I got her for her birthday a few weeks ago which was a chain necklace that had her name engraved in it.

I decided to get up and get ready then go make breakfast while the others are still asleep.

I let the dogs out and fed them breakfast and let them do their own thing.

The doorbell rang and I was making toast. As I approached the door. Someone was at the door. I looked and it was Brendon with messy bed hair and a robe on.

Welp more guest more food. I decided to toast a few more bread. Scramble some more eggs and cut more fruits and make plenty of coffee and hot chocolate for Emmy.

I went to wake up Emmy. She was already up, but was jamming out and playing games on her phone. She didn't notice me coming inside the room. So when I tapped her, she basically jumped and dropped her phone onto her face.
She rubs her face and gets out of her bed.

"Hey kiddo, breakfast is ready!" I said.
She nodded and threw on her bathrobe and ran after me.

I went to the table and it was already set up by Brendon I assume. The guests that arrived was my best friend Linda and her husband Spencer.

I ran to give them a hug.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked.

"Good, Umm Spencer have some business to talk about with Brendon. And I was thinking of maybe going to mall today and taking Emmy with us?" She asked.

I looked at Emmy and she nodded in agreement.

After breakfast we decided to go upstairs and change out of our pajamas. Once we finished, we decided to take Linda's car. I sat in the front with Linda while Emmy sat in the back.

It was fun hanging out with Linda. I haven't done it since Thanksgiving. I missed having my best friend around.

First we went to stop at Starbucks and each got a coffee and got Emmy some hot chocolate.

Later, we walked around in the stores at the mall.

We decided to walk into Forever 21 and see what they had for the season.

They had some cute stuff. I bought some and got some for Emmy too.

Then we bought a few coats. Just here and there. Then we decided to get a few snacks and head home.

Linda and I caught up with each other in the car ride back to house. I told her about how I moved in.

Once we got to the house. I unlocked the door and we carried all the bags inside the house and put it on the floor. Once I walked into the living room, the house was a mess. Then I heard shouting from upstairs.

I ran up the stairs and saw what was happening.

"Brendon, you can't just lock yourself inside the bathroom all day. But you can surrender!" Spencer said with a loaded nerf gun.

I chuckled and pulled Spencer into our bedroom into the walkthrough closet leading into that bathroom.

I'm sure Brendon is going to forget to lock this one.

"Try this one" I said to Spencer. He gave me a nod and then twisted the handle.

"AHH HA" Spencer shouted shooting Brendon with a bullet.

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