A Big Change

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Present Day


I was awoken by a alarm clock blaring in my ears. I turned it off and got up and marched to the bathroom. Where I tripped over Lizzie's clothes on the floor.

I went to go clean up and threw all the clothes into the hamper. Meanwhile, I got dressed for school in ripped jeans, with my Pray for the Wicked t-shirt that Miss Jackson had gotten me a few months ago, and a black and white flannel with my checkered vans.

Today was picture day for all the 5th graders at my school and all I wanted to wear was my favorite bands like always because why not.

I opened my iPad to reveal that Brendon had tweeted something. I opened it up to Brendon's twitter account, "Can't wait to show you guys the special surprise." I was absolutely excited for the surprise. I started daydreaming of what could have happened.

Then I heard someone yelling, " Breakfast is ready". I ran downstairs to find Miss Jackson cooking pancakes with fruits for breakfast. I sat next to my roommate Lizzie.

As I finished my food I got up and cleaned my plate and placed it in the dish rack.

"Hey, Emmy before you leave, can you take the trash out please" I heard and nodded.

I pulled the trash and placed in the bin in the back. Then I ran to wash my hands and got my belongings downstairs.

" Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark, no one knows it you Miss Jackson." I sang while running down the stairs and pointing at Miss Jackson.

She just shook her head and gave me a hug. I decided to make my way towards the door.

I decided that it was a good thing to walk to my school since it's just 5 minutes away from the home. Plus a little exercise wouldn't hurt as much.

I entered the school. Everyone was looking at me, but that didn't really bother me. I walked to the end of the hall where my locker was located. I placed my notebooks inside and pulled out a textbook for my first class Science.

I actually enjoyed the class because I understood it. I closed the locker shut and made my way to my class. I sat in my regular seat in the back. I don't really like talking because of my anxiety, unless it's my friends I'm talking to.

The teacher started our lesson about how potatoes grew. That was kinda strange, but we did a whole research on potatoes. I started thinking about potatoes and drew something into my notebook. "#Stoppotatoeabuse2018" all I could think about was the Say Amen Saturday Night video, also the reaction from Crankthatfrank. As I recall the memory of those videos. I was interrupted by my teacher Mr. Lively clearing his throat. As he got our attention, he started to speak again, but this time introducing us to a new student.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is Lily a new student here." He said. Then he pointed to a empty seat next to me. I then noticed what he was doing and removed my bag.

" Umm, Hey my name is Emmy" I said, giving her a handshake.

" Nice to meet you, you already know my name already." She said, giving me a smile. It was time for us to do partner work.

Instead of doing partner work, we just sat around and talked. We started to get to know each other better.

As the bell rang, I got up and put my stuff into my backpack heading to the my lockers. As I was leaving I was stopped by Lily.

"Umm, sorry I'm still getting used to this whole new kid thing, anyways I like your shirt, that's my favorite band." She said, I just gave her a smile. We walked to our lockers.

It turns out that her locker was just two lockers down from me.

" Hey, you wanna hang out during lunch?" I asked.

"Uh, yea, I guess" she said.

" Well I'll meet you here then." I said.

I then started my walk toward the gym room for roll call. We didn't have to do anything today because it was our picture day. Some of the girls were going to the bathroom freaking out about how they don't look nice, even though they had a ton of makeup on.

We made our way to where the pictures were taken. As I'm sitting down at the chairs and waiting for them to call my name, Amanda one of the girls from the orphanage came and sat next to me. She took a glance at me.

"Well, well if it isn't Emmy, the girl that her parents abandoned. You think you're all cute dressed up in that emo outfit of yours." She said, giving me a glare. I just stayed quite not wanting to cause problems, until they called my name.

Once that ended it was two more classes to go. English with Mrs. Han and Math with Mr. Rodriguez.

The day went by faster than I expected. I went to my locker and grabbed my bag and put all my notebooks in it. After that, I walked over to Lily's locker.

"Hey ready for lunch?" I asked. She nodded and followed along.

We sat underneath a tree in the garden, my usual spot because it's peaceful and quite there. At least this time I had someone to talk to. We started making conversation about our favorite artist. We actually had a lot in common like: we suck at math, we love panic!, Fob, tøp, idkhow, mcr, Halsey and etc. We also talked about instruments and our dreams.

Once the bell rang we were released to go home. We walked out to the main entrance where Lily had to wait for her mom to pick her up and I had to walk home.

Once I reached Miss Jackson's Orphanages, I opened the door slowly and walked up to my bedroom. I stayed up there finishing my homework and sorta jammed out to my music.

Lizzie walked over to me and tapped me.

" Miss Jackson told me to tell you that you have to meet her in her office." She said. I nodded and walked into the office.

I knocked and then opened the door slowly.

Once Miss Jackson noticed me, she gave me a nod to let me know to sit down.
I shut the door behind me and sat down.

She put down her paper work and gave me a hug.

" So, I have some good news for you" She said smiling. I just sat there and listened.

" Well what is it?" I questioned.

" Well today, you got adopted." I just looked at her in shock and then I broke out of my gaze and hugged her.

" When am I leaving?" I asked.

" Tomorrow, someone's picking you up, and you don't need to go to school tomorrow." She said. I gave her a nod and hugged her.

I ran out of the room with excitement on my face. I went towards the kitchen and had some pasta, before running back into my room and packing my stuff.

I was excited, but worry and nervous at the same time. I had lots of questions running through my mind like; is the family nice, will I like them, will they like me, do they really want me. I had many more questions.

I felt myself dozing to sleep. I tried to fight it with my excitement, but sleep won.

Best Day of My Life (Adoption Story)Where stories live. Discover now