"Stop Babying Me"

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I woke up to my alarm clock screaming in my ears. I turned it off and got dressed. I threw on my panic! at the disco sweater and threw on some jeans and put on my black converse. I totally forgot that I had school today.

But should I still go to school?

I got dressed anyways. I ran to Brendon's room. I opened it " Good Morning" I said happily. Then I noticed that Brendon wasn't there and realized that he is still at the hospital.

I ran downstairs and saw Sarah making toast. She handed me some and met me in the car.

It was a quiet car ride.

" Hey, do you have any news on him?" I asked.
She shook her head.
"I'll let you know if anything comes up okay."
"So are you nervous?" she asked.
I nodded my head.

"Alright we're here" she said. I gave her a hug and thanked her.

People were staring at me like I had two heads or something. It felt weird with this much attention, the only time I would actually get attention from others was that one time Amanda spreaded rumors about my biological parents leaving me at the orphanage because i had an extra toe or whatever.
I went towards my locker and Lily came up to me.

"Hey, where have you've been?" She said.

"Adjusting to a new life." I said.

People kept staring at me and I'm guessing because they heard that Brendon adopted me.

I went through my usual routine. People kept asking me questions and I just answered them to get it out of my way.

During lunch, I sat in the garden with Lily. We talked about panic! and etc.

" So how does it feel, living with your idol?" She asked.

"Okay, I guess" I said.

I went back to my phone. I was reading fan fics.
I sat there in silent this time just writing things down into my journal. The remaining of lunch was just people asking me about Brendon. I just stayed silent listening to music.


All I remember was just playing around and Emmy throwing the pillow at me then I fell to the ground in laughter and then blacking out.

I felt tears on my arm. As much as I tried to wake up I couldn't. I felt Sarah and Emmy. I felt bad for Emmy. Today was her first day of school back with me and I missed it.

I don't want her to keep blaming herself for this.
I missed her.

Then I felt pain, and I woke up to bright lights and me in the hospital bed.

A nurse walked in and examined me and found no sign of injury.

Sarah was next to me holding my hand when I woke up. I was a bit confused until Sarah informed me what happened.

I knew that Emmy never meant to hurt me. I feel bad now. Sarah left to go ask for a nurse to see if I can leave. Moments later a nurse comes in explaining future plans then giving me papers to sign and then the hospital discharged me.

Sarah drove me home and helped me.

I went home and relaxed. I fell asleep on the couch. The doctor said I needed rest and not do too much crazy things for a few weeks.

I'll try to listen, but I don't know if I can get through it fully.

I was woken up with Penny and Bogart licking me in the face. I missed them. They missed me too. They jumped off of me and ran into the kitchen.

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