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Author's Note: Shout out to StickyCarpet. Thank you for the song inspiration. I hope it's okay.....


"Jace, run!" My mommy yells. I hide under my bed.

A long time passes. My door opens, and I hold back a whimper. "It's mommy Jace," my mommy cries. I get out of under the bed and run to hug her. I cry on her shoulder. "Shhh, it's okay baby." I try to stop crying, so I can be a big boy. "We're going to take a trip, just the two of us." Mommy grabs my dinosaur backpack and fills it up with a bunch of clothes and stuff. She takes my hand. "You can't make a sound Jace. Please be a good quiet boy." I nod. We walk down the stairs slowly. Then, mommy opens the door.

"Where do you think you're going bitch?" Daddy growls. Mommy squeezes my hand.

"We're just going for a walk," mommy says.

Daddy walks toward us and takes mommy's hand out of mine. "Jace, go to your room," mommy shouts. I don't want to leave her. Daddy hurts her bad. "Go Jace." I listen to mommy and go to my room. Then I hide under my bed. I hear mommy's cries and screams. A few minutes later, I hear footsteps coming down the hall. My door opens and I can see my dad's boots. H...he's going to get me.

"Jace, you come out right now!" My daddy demands. I stay hidden. I can hear daddy throwing stuff all over my room. Then, he lifts the mattress up and sees me.


"Wake up, please," I hear a strained voice. I quickly back up on the bed and my eyes shoot open. "Jace, it's okay. You're safe now. It's Clary. You had a nightmare." I instantly relax.

I stare at my hands. "I...I'm sorry I woke you," I whisper, ashamed.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry or shameful about," Clary firmly replies. "You can wake me up anytime. We can talk or cuddle or watch a movie or make a cake or whatever you need, we'll do it." A traitor tear falls down my cheek. Clary softly kisses it away. "What do you need baby?" Clary asks concerned.

"Can we just cuddle?" I question. A beautiful smile graces Clary's face.

"Cuddling it is," Clary responds. I gently slide my hands around her waist and pull her to my side, our legs tangle. I stuff my face in her neck and breathe in her scent. Clary pets my hair soothingly. "Sleep."

The Next Day

I wake up next to the woman who gets me through the night.


Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback.

Originally posted: 11/30/18

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