You Belong With Me Part 2

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Clary falls asleep on my shoulder halfway though the movie. I hold in a laugh as I think of how cute she looks. Carefully, I pick her up and bring her to her room. I gently set her on her bed, and turn to leave. "Don't leave me," Clary mumbles. She doesn't want me to leave....No! She's tired, she doesn't mean anything by it. If Izzy was here, she'd say the same thing. I lay on the bed next to Clary. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is steady, telling me she's asleep. I carefully slide the blankets over her and let my eyes close.

The Next Morning

I wake up before Clary. When I try to get up, I realize she got ahold of my shirt sometime last night. Great, this will be fun when she wakes up..... I decide to put the time to good use and study Clary's beautiful face. Her lips are pressed together firmly and her hair is all over the place. Clary starts moving and then her eyes open slowly. "Jace, what are you doing in my bed?" Clary asks alarmed.

"You fell asleep on the couch last night. I brought you in here, but as I went to leave, you asked me to stay," I explain.

" didn't touch me or anything, right?" Clary asks nervously. What? Is she serious? I would never!

"No, I would never take advantage of someone like that," I say though clenched teeth. Does she really that that lowly of me?

"Right, of course you wouldn't. I'm sorry Jace," Clary sighs.

"No, it's okay. You just woke up and you don't like being vulnerable, I know," I explain. Clary smiles shyly.

"I'm sorry for keeping you all night. You probably had plans," Clary mumbles.

"Not really, breaking up with your girlfriend really kills your social life," I point out.

"Still, thank you for staying," Clary replies.

"It was no problem," I assure her. I could wake up next to her everyday and it would be the best thing I could ask for.

"Jace-" "Clary." we say at the same time.

"You first," I comment.

"Y...ou can go first," Clary smiles.

"Lady's first," I gesture to her.

"Please," Clary looks nervous.

"Okay, but you know you can tell me anything. You don't have to he nervous," I explain. Clary nods. "So, I've been......there is....we've known eachother for a long time. I'm not sure when exactly I realized, but it's been a long while." I clear my throat nervously. "You see, I have feelings for you. I know it's crazy, but I hope you still want to be my friend."

Clary stares at me. "I don't want to be your friend Jace," Clary responds. Oh, wow. I.....I....mean, she doesn't. I'll respect that. S....she should he happy. Yeah, I should probably just leave and keep whatever dignity I have left, if I have any..... I shift, getting ready to stand. "I....I want us to be s....something more," Clary whispers. I swivel my head to her. She wants to be more than friends!

Don't get your hopes up fool! "What would you like us to be?" I ask nervously.

"I'd like you to be mine, but you can do better Jace," Clary mumbles.

"There's no one who could be better than you," I firmly reply.

"Jace, no, I'm.....I'm me. You're you," Clary quietly explains.

"Clary, I love you. I fell in love, I'm falling still. I'm in love with you," I confess.

Tears gather in Clary's eyes. "Jace," Clary manages. "I...I've loved you since you saved your own money to buy Mr. Munchkins for my birthday because you knew I really wanted him." I smile plasters on my face, making me look like an idiot, but I don't care.

I rest my head against Clary's. Gently, I wipe her tears with my finger pads. "Shh, don't cry," I coo. I turn my head and slowly lean toward hers. Our lips briskly graze eachother. I wait to see if Clary reacts negatively, but she only closes the distance between our lips. My hands go to support her neck gently as hers run up and down my chest. I shudder under her touch. After a few seconds, Clary pulls away to breathe.

"That was the best first kiss," Clary mumbles, keeping her eyes closed. I gently peck her on the lips as I laugh.

"There's plenty more where that came from," I comment. Clary smiles and pulls my head to hers. We spend the rest of the day together.


Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback.

Originally posted: 11/27/18

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