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Hannah's Pov

"Guys, I gotta go, Hayden messaged me." I tell the others. Liam looks at me "Is she okay?" He asks. I nod "Everything's fine. Let me know what happens." I quickly run off to the Police Department. I meet Hayden outside. "Something's wrong." I quickly walk in and saw Stilinski on the ground. Lydia looks at me and then I see Sebastien. "Oh god. Lydia!" He stabs his claws into her throat and she screamed. Lydia kneels onto the ground. I look at him growl. I quickly go to claw him, but he grabs my harm and stabs me in the chest. "Hannah!" I heard Hayden shout. "So strong. Yet so stupid." Sebastien says to me. I look at him and he rips his claws out. I groan and fall onto the floor. "Hayden. Your name is Hayden." He says to her. "Hayden, run." I say to her. Sebastien kicks me in the face and I was completely knocked out.

I wake up and I was in the hospital. I look to my side and Brett was standing there holding my hand. Liam was standing besides him. "Hey." Brett says. "Sebastien. Did this." I go to sit up. Brett stops me. "Hannah, you're not in good shape." Liam says. "What?" I grab the blankets off of me and I still haven't healed. "Why am I not healing?"
"Sebastien somehow. Did something. Might've taken your power." Liam explains. Melissa walks in.
"I am so glad you're awake. Hannah I have some bad news. Since you are no longer a chimera.....your heart has weaken." I nod. "Does that mean I'm dying?" I asked her. "If we can't find another heart for you. Then yes... but we are going to try so hard for you. Your dad is worried." She says. I stay silent. "I'll leave you guys alone." She was about to walk off. "Is Lydia okay?" She stops and nods. "Get some rest." She leaves and closes the door. "I can talk to Scott." Liam says to me and walks off. "Please don't leave, Brett." I look at him and he shakes his head. "Never. Now move over."
I move over for him and gets into the bed and I cuddle up to him.

Liam's Pov

I sit down looking down at my hand and think "I can't lose my sister again." I look up and saw Scott. "Is Hannah okay?" He asks, "I need to talk to you. Is Lydia okay?" I asked him "She's gonna ne fine, but... She can't really talk."
"Then it's over, isn't it?" I asked him and he didn't say anything.
"There's nothing we can do to save him." Scott pulls out his phone. "Give me a second." He walks off.

Brett comes up "Hannah will survive. I can talk to Satomi." He says and I shook my head. "No, she's my sister, my responsibility." (A/N: The 100!!)

Brett nods "Well, you better talk to Scott quicker, because, I don't want to lose her." He walks off and goes back into Hannah's room.
Scott stands in front of me. "Get up." He orders me. "Why?"
"Because I've got an idea. And because this isn't over." I stand up, we're about to walk in Lydia's room, until I stopped him. "Scott. This is asking a lot and I don't want to kill you for it. But-" he cuts me off "It's okay, I'll give your sister the bite." I felt like thousands of bricks just got off my shoulders. "Now come on. Lets save Mason."

As we're in Lydia's room, we help her sit up. Melissa and Stiles walk in. "Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it." Melissa says to Lydia as I move out of her way. "It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down." Scott tells her and she nods. She moves her hand towards Melissa. "Not there. " Melissa removes a little bit of the bandage away from her neck. "Oh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave." Stiles says "You're not going anywhere. Hold her hand." Melissa says to him. Stiles walks up to her and holds her hand. "Okay, fine. I'm not leaving, but I still might faint."
"Okay. Here we go." I look at the needle and felt light headed and then I fell to the ground.

*Skip to the tunnels*

As we're in the tunnels, something didn't feel right. I  heard electric crackling. "Scott, you hear that?" I asked him. "I heard it." Lydia says. "Lydia save your voice." . I look down at the ground and there's water. "Hey... Lydia, get out of the water!" I quickly shove her to the side as Scott and I are being electrocuted. We both fall to the ground. I saw Theo threw her somewhere underground and Scott quickly catches her. Theo kneels down beside Scott. I try to get up, but I couldn't. Theo stabs him. "You feel that, Scott?" He asks him. "Kanima venom. Just let it happen. Let it go. Let everything go."
Scott let's go.

My First Love (Sequel To Why Him?!) Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now