Maid of Gevuadan

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Third POV

Two men. Soldiers. Were running in the Forrest, it was raining.
One of the men, was tired he could barely run. He falls over in the mud and he pants. His other fellow friend helped him up. And they continued to run.
The two of them decided to take a rest and one of them decides to write a letter.

"Dear Marie-Jeanne, I wish I had better news to report. But even then with the support of our Indian allies, we are losing this war to the British. We have heard news that Montreal has fallen. Marcel and I have both suffered injuries. All that keeps us alive is the hope of seeing our home again, and of seeing you my sister."

He stands up and follows Marcel.
After walking and running they show up to a small house. They quickly walk up to it and walk into the house. The man blows out the candles. They heard dogs, meaning soldiers were with them. "You can't be here." A lady says behind him. He turns around. "Stay back." He says "You don't understand. You have come to the wrong place to hide." She says to the two men. "Quiet." Marcel says to the lady. "There's something out there. Something other than the British soldiers." She explains to the men. "What do you mean other?" He asks the frightened sad lady. "A creature of the night." She says.
"Don't listen to her." Marcel said clearly not buying it. "A shapeshifter. A demon." She said to him. "What kind?" He asks "Sebastien..." Marcel warns him. Sebastien walks closer to the lady "What kind of demon?" He asks in low voice. "A Demon-Wolf." She answered his question.

The British soldiers were standing out front of the house. Then all you hear is this really loud roar. The British Soldiers were screaming. Crying out for help.
One of them repeatedly knocked on the door shouting. "Open the door!" The soldier looked behind him and saw that no one alive was outside. "For God' sake, open the door!" He keeps banging on the door "Please! Open! Help!" He finally opens the door, he holds onto the table for support. He looks in front of him and he saw something behind him in the shadow. The Beast roared and clawed the man.

"That letter would eventually find its way into the hands of a young woman. A skilled hunter who would later face the Beast armed with nothing more than a steel-tipped pike." Gerard says telling the story.

The hunter runs into the woods. The bow and arrow in her hands. She fires the arrow.

"She would be known by history as the Maid of Gevaudan. But her real name was Marie-Jeanne."

Hannah's POV

Brett helps through the door. "Come on. I'll take you in here." Brett said to me, he picks me up and carries me into I guess what seemed biology classroom. I sighed "I hate biology." I said to myself. Brett rips my clothing to look at my wound. "Oh Jesus. Not here." I said to him and looks at me "Now's not the time to be making jokes. Why'd you do that?" He asked me and I shrugged. "I have no clue why I did that. Why did I do that?" I asked myself. Brett tries to put pressure on my wound, but I scream "Brett! That's not helping." I heard Liams screams as well. "L-Liam?" Brett looked around panicking. "Wh-Where's Liam?" I asked him groaning in pain. Brett looked around for something. He pulls out a bottle that looked like nitrogen. "Would this help?" He asked smiling. I squint my eyes "No!" Brett nods and puts it away. "What the hell is nitrogen doing in biology. Shouldn't that be in science." I said that myself.
Brett walks up to me. "Why aren't you healing? You should be healing by now." Brett says to me and I looked at him with wide eyes. "I don't know! It's because I'm in pain!"
"Oh right." Brett scratched the back of his neck. "Okay, I'm gonna make it go away." He grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss. I felt the pain go away and I was so relieved. I pull away from him and lay back down on the table and sigh out of relief.
"Thank you. The next time you're in pain. I'll just kiss you." I say to him smiling. "I think I might be in a little bit of pain." He says while chuckling. I laugh at him. "Come on, let's go find your sister." I said to him and we quickly run off to find Lori.

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