Strange Asthmaticus

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Scott's Pov

"What do you mean no?" Liam asked walking up to me. "Liam, look at them. They're too weak. It will kill Hayden and your sister. We don't even know what the mercury is doing to them. We don't even know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save their lives." I explain to Liam "It saved mine." He says "Well, that was different. You were hanging off the ledge." I say to him "You promised. You said you'd do everything you could." He says getting angry "Which is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill them." I say and suddenly I couldn't breathe a little "There has to be..." I start breathing heavily and Theo looks at me "There has to..." I try to breathe "Scott" I heard Theo say and I look at him, and he throws me my inhaler, I shake it then took a deep breath and inhaled it, then I was breathing completely fine "There's another way to save them." I say to Liam "Guys, I don't know the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite, but they're definitely not surviving this." Theo says and we look at them and they're gasping for air "We need to do something." Theo says.

We lay them on the table and mom was over, she had her supplies, Brett and Liam were comforting them, mom was getting the treatment "What's that?" Liam asked "It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metal from the blood." Mom explains to him "But the problem is they can injure the kidneys and Hayden has only one to begin with so..." She explains and she does Hannah first, she injects it into her and Hannah groans in pain "Hey you're hurting her" Liam says grabbing onto her arm and mom looks at him "And you're hurting me" she says and Liam lets go and I tried my best not to attack him "Sorry" he says looking down and I glare at him "Hey guys... Remember we're here to save these two. Not kill each other." Theo says looking at us "It's the full moon. We can feel it even during the day." I explain "And it's the Supermoon." Theo says looking at me "What is that supposed to make you guys, lime super strong? Super aggressive?" Mom asked setting everything up, I sigh "Both" I say to her. Theo and I were sitting in the waiting room "You know we're going to need help with him." Theo says looking at me "He'll be all right." I assure him "He's 16 and in love. First love. You remember what that's like?" He asked and I stare off into distance "Yeah, trust me, I remember." I say remembering Allison "He's also going to lose his sister" he says and I look at him "All those emotions mixed with the Supermoon. Tonight isn't going to be good." He says and I sigh "I know" I say "We need help, and I don't mean restraints or chains. I mean Malia, Stiles, Lydia. You need your pack, Scott" he says "I'm not so sure I have one anymore."I say to him "Let me talk to them. Let me see what I can do. Okay?" He says and stands up and walks to the door "Theo." I stop him and he looks at me "Thank you." I say and he smiles then walks off.

Lydia's Pov

I was in the cell room with Parrish and I was feeling really tired "Go home, Lydia. Stilinski isn't telling anyone where I put the bodies, and I'm pretty sure I'm not psychic." He says "But you're drawn to death. Just like me." I say to him "Does that make me a kind of Banshee?" He asked looking at me "You find the bodies." I say "I find Chimeras." He says and I nod "Dead Chimeras" I say, he looks up "So we're both harbingers of death." He says and I sigh "I should probably add that to my resume." He jokes "Hmm. It's on my college applications" I joke as well, I lean against the cell and rest my hand on his and close my eyes.

Brett's Pov

I was with Scott's mom holding onto Hannah's hand, she looks at me and she's breathing really heavily, she squeezes my hand and I look at her, she smiles at me and I smile back at her.

Liam's Pov

I was looking at Scott and he was sleeping, and I glow my eyes and stare at him intensely, I cannot lose Hayden or my twin sister.

Stiles's Pov

I was watching my Jeep go away with the Toe truck because it broke down last night, I opened the car door because Malia came and picked me up, I watch it go away, I then look at Malia and she gives me a small smile, then I look back at my Jeep and it was gone, I then get in the car and Malia starts to drive. During the drive it was silent and Malia broke the silent "Can they fix it?" She asked "There's not enough duct tape on the world to fix that thing." I say "Maybe you should try something other than duct tape." She says "It's got a bad alternator, you know, needs all new belts, transmission's going... The brake pads are basically metal on metal." I explain to her "How come you let it get so bad?" She asks "There's been a few distractions, if you haven't noticed." I say to her "I notice." She says and I look at her "More than you think I do." She says "Uh, I didn't mean it like that." I assure her "Am I taking you home?" She asks "No. Sheriff station. I gotta talk to my dad." I say looking out onto the road.

My First Love (Sequel To Why Him?!) Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now