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October 25th, 2018
Ms. Coldwell's classroom

-Hadley's POV

"so Ms. Jinx will be your tutor..."

my stomach dropped even more and i felt like i couldn't breathe.

"f*ck no!" Ethan shouted.
"she's too stupid anyways!"

"watch your mouth" Ms. Coldwell said with an upset tone.

"she is one of my smartest students and is amazing at the same topic you are failing. you guys will meet up every other day in the library at lunch." she told him sternly.

"everything is arranged and you will meet up tomorrow. here is a packet with all the material you should help him with." she said, handing me a packet with about 20 papers.

"sounds good?" she asked, turning to me.

"ye...yes" i mumbled with a shaky voice.

then she turned her head to look at Ethan. he was pissed.

"no it's not good" he scoffed.

"it's either she tutors you and you get an A or you fail, and get kicked off the football team. your choice" she sighed.

"fine" he groaned.

"perfect now go enjoy your lunch" she said with a smile.

we both walked out, him in front of me.

right when the door shut i was slammed into a wall, a cold hand on my throat.

"listen i am only dealing with your ugly ass so i don't get kicked off the team, got it? this doesn't mean you can talk to me or i don't still hate you." Ethan whispered, sternly and was clearly upset.

i was petrified, unable to move or even breathe. he wasn't squeezing my neck or anything like that but my anxiety made me freak out.

"you're probably too stupid this will be a waste of time." he said.

"just like you." he scoffed, then let go of my neck and stormed off down the hall.

right when he let go i fell to the floor. i was breathing heavily as tears started to form in my eyes.

i was sitting there for a few minutes before i wiped the few tears that slid down my cheeks away then stood up and walked to the cafeteria.


"hey where have you been, Hattie?" Grayson asked as i took a seat at the circle lunch table in the chair next to his. Cassidy and Charles where sitting at the table as well.

"Ms. Coldwell needs me to tutor a student." i sighed, then took a sip of my water.

"oh who?" Cassidy asked.

"uh..." i started then cleared my throat

her face went pale and her eyes widened. Cassidy knew all of it, way more than Grayson does.

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